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Destiny 2

Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny 2 zu tun hat.
6/24/2024 5:32:16 PM

Trials is unfair, and if you think it's not then you're part of the problem.

Trials of Osiris in Destiny 2 can be perceived as unbalanced for several reasons: Skill-Based Matchmaking Issues: The lack of a real matchmaking algorithm fails to properly balance teams based on skill level, leading to mismatches where highly skilled teams face off against less experienced or less skilled opponents. Power Disparities: Trials of Osiris uses Power Level advantages, meaning players with higher Power Levels have a statistical advantage over those with lower Power Levels. This can create an imbalance if one team significantly out-levels the other. Meta and Loadout Dominance: Certain weapons, subclasses, or loadouts may dominate the meta at any given time, giving an advantage to players who use them. If these dominant choices are not properly balanced or countered, it can lead to frustration among players facing them. Cheating and Exploits: Unfortunately, some players resort to cheating or exploiting game mechanics to gain an unfair advantage, which disrupts the balance and fairness of Trials of Osiris matches. TLDR - I shouldn't have to dedicate my life to PvP as an aging man who's reaction time just gets worse with age, to have a chance at some of the best gear in the game. And if you disagree, then you're part of the group that takes advantage of the broken system.

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