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Destiny 2

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Bearbeitet von Obi-Juan: 2/28/2024 9:01:18 PM

Dungeon / Raid Weekly Rotators

Bungie, how many dungeons and raids need to be in the game until you finally just let people have access to farming them all at once? It's getting a little ridiculous now having to wait 7/8 weeks. Imagine telling a new player "even though dungeons have been in the game for months you have to wait 7 weeks to farm it". They're just gonna soon enough play a different game. It's time to make all dungeons and raids farmable 24/7. There are enough of each now to justify it. Edit: xbroggiex just brought up a very good point. There are ways Bungie can incentivize more activity in the lesser played dungeons and raids. Like how ritual activities give double rep boost, there are things they can add to the featured raid n dungeons to incentivize play whilst still allowing the farming of all others just without the extra incentive.

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Gesamtes Thema ansehen
  • there are always trade off. current system negative - long rotation of 8 weeks positive - fireteam finder actually has people who want to do the weekly dungeon. maybe three dungeons should be featured each week since next year we will probably get more dungeons added to the rotation. neither approach looks good to me in the long run, with a 10 week rotation in the future that will be too long, and with three featured at a time the community will be fragmented. or maybe having all dungeons available in the long run would be seen as a good will move for bungie and make the game more user friendly, and increasing player count so even with a fragmented community the system still works. just a though, what do i know

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