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Destiny 2

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2/28/2024 11:37:19 AM

Why no mention of cheating?

I appreciate the new changes for PvP but why does Bungie go out of their way to avoid the cheating issues in their game when it comes to PvP? They can do everything else BUT address the cheating issues that plague this game and NEVER address them which is not healthy in the overall outcome. The blatant cheating of mod pack users who get away with using M&K on console has become a serious issue but still no word from Bungie on this issue, not even a peep. As players we should expect a certain protection from this and rightly so since we pay one of the most expensive fees to get seasonal content not to mention one of the absolutely absurd fees for cosmetic items that most other games give for free as appreciation for just taking time to play their games. Destiny is probably the most unique PvP experience that you will ever get to play but for some reason Bungie refuses to protect you as a player from cheating. You can watch these cowards constantly cheat every weekend in Trials or in comp without repercussions while apparently PvE has a very strict get banned for life instantly policy. Where is the protection from this for us from the continuous cheating? Why are these players not permanently removed from the game, their PC’s or consoles not completely banned? Why are the gamer tags not plastered all over to give players a heads up of who they are? It’s almost like Bungie promotes it by not doing anything while claiming they do but in the process not doing anything at all. I hate to say it but by doing nothing Bungie has not only alienated their core base of PvP players but encouraged cheaters to ruin the experience by not taking action. Battle Eye was supposed to be the end of cheaters but instead has proven to do nothing more than be a good excuse or even a really bad excuse because cheating is not only the reason players don’t play PvP but run from it. I really hope I’m wrong about everything I’ve written but the lack of acknowledgment from Bungie on this subject doesn’t help. The makers of the mod packs not only violate Bungie’s term of service by allowing the functionality they provide but cheapen the experience of those of us who want fair games so where are the lawsuits from Bungie against them? Until Bungie acknowledges this issue and shows they take it seriously I’m going to continue to think they have no intention of caring about it because to be honest I don’t think they do.

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  • Imagine a Company that will ban you in and on forums for tos if you speak of or discuss cheats by name but do nothing if you use those same and other cheat devices in game. Do you really take that company seriously? Do you really take their game seriously?

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  • I swear people make it sound like they encounter a cheater every 2 games. I get it's a problem but I hardly ever see a blatant cheater in pvp. Last time I saw a blue special GL with infinite ammo was a couple seasons back. I only see some people use hive magic now a days.

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    14 Antworten
    • Because they don't care. As long as cheaters are playing, it's still people playing. They don't care who it is, just so long as it's someone

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      1 Antworten
      • [quote]why does Bungie go out of their way to avoid the cheating issues in their game when it comes to PvP?[/quote]They don't avoid it. You're just not paying attention.

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      • [quote]I appreciate the new changes for PvP but why does Bungie go out of their way to avoid the cheating issues in their game when it comes to PvP? They can do everything else BUT address the cheating issues that plague this game and NEVER address them which is not healthy in the overall outcome. The blatant cheating of mod pack users who get away with using M&K on console has become a serious issue but still no word from Bungie on this issue, not even a peep. As players we should expect a certain protection from this and rightly so since we pay one of the most expensive fees to get seasonal content not to mention one of the absolutely absurd fees for cosmetic items that most other games give for free as appreciation for just taking time to play their games. Destiny is probably the most unique PvP experience that you will ever get to play but for some reason Bungie refuses to protect you as a player from cheating. You can watch these cowards constantly cheat every weekend in Trials or in comp without repercussions while apparently PvE has a very strict get banned for life instantly policy. Where is the protection from this for us from the continuous cheating? Why are these players not permanently removed from the game, their PC’s or consoles not completely banned? Why are the gamer tags not plastered all over to give players a heads up of who they are? It’s almost like Bungie promotes it by not doing anything while claiming they do but in the process not doing anything at all. I hate to say it but by doing nothing Bungie has not only alienated their core base of PvP players but encouraged cheaters to ruin the experience by not taking action. Battle Eye was supposed to be the end of cheaters but instead has proven to do nothing more than be a good excuse or even a really bad excuse because cheating is not only the reason players don’t play PvP but run from it. I really hope I’m wrong about everything I’ve written but the lack of acknowledgment from Bungie on this subject doesn’t help. The makers of the mod packs not only violate Bungie’s term of service by allowing the functionality they provide but cheapen the experience of those of us who want fair games so where are the lawsuits from Bungie against them? Until Bungie acknowledges this issue and shows they take it seriously I’m going to continue to think they have no intention of caring about it because to be honest I don’t think they do.[/quote] Console players face cheaters that appear to be console players but are not. There are cheat packages out there that rely on screen data and pixel colors to auto aim for you, track targets for you, fire automatically for you. No memory editing or injection code required. There are players with hardware bypasses and bypasses deeper then kernel level that even anti cheat software cant catch. But there is one thing cheaters cant change..... That is their method of playing while cheats are active. This method has been mapped by ai and each cheater given a digital fingerprint so to say.. these cheaters will be banned across all accounts that bare the fingerprint of their metric playstyle.

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      • Do you really think Bungie developers, testers, and their pay 2 win teams would be able to control the matches without cheating? Lol there is not a single PvP game in existence without cheaters. The random throttling of our gameplay is the worst culprit in this game.

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      • Great question! The game has been over run with cheaters that are allowed to ruin the pvp games. Yet Bungie does nothing to correct it…. They’re ruing the game thru negligence. You can bet if their currency portal was being cheated it would be corrected in minutes…

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        1 Antworten
        • Because it boosts their numbers

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        • Unless I am mistaken, you are a console player. As a console player, I believe BattleEye doesn't really affect you. The only cheats plaguing console are: 1) 3rd party hardware - WHICH NO ONE HAS SUCCESSFULLY BANNED AND IT'S NOT ON BUNGIE TO SOLVE AN INDUSTRY-WIDE ISSUE 2) Lag switching - I rarely ever see this, and it's always blatant when it happens. When I do see it, I have always reported it. When I reported it, I got a banned message. 3) Ddossing - Haven't seen this in over 2 years. I'm glad they started masking IPs So which cheat are you mad about? Seriously. As a fellow console player, I am genuinely confused about what you're talking about

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          11 Antworten
          • Because they dont really care. Hell they didnt start caring about PvP till January.

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          • [quote]I appreciate the new changes for PvP but why does Bungie go out of their way to avoid the cheating issues in their game when it comes to PvP? They can do everything else BUT address the cheating issues that plague this game and NEVER address them which is not healthy in the overall outcome. The blatant cheating of mod pack users who get away with using M&K on console has become a serious issue but still no word from Bungie on this issue, not even a peep. As players we should expect a certain protection from this and rightly so since we pay one of the most expensive fees to get seasonal content not to mention one of the absolutely absurd fees for cosmetic items that most other games give for free as appreciation for just taking time to play their games. Destiny is probably the most unique PvP experience that you will ever get to play but for some reason Bungie refuses to protect you as a player from cheating. You can watch these cowards constantly cheat every weekend in Trials or in comp without repercussions while apparently PvE has a very strict get banned for life instantly policy. Where is the protection from this for us from the continuous cheating? Why are these players not permanently removed from the game, their PC’s or consoles not completely banned? Why are the gamer tags not plastered all over to give players a heads up of who they are? It’s almost like Bungie promotes it by not doing anything while claiming they do but in the process not doing anything at all. I hate to say it but by doing nothing Bungie has not only alienated their core base of PvP players but encouraged cheaters to ruin the experience by not taking action. Battle Eye was supposed to be the end of cheaters but instead has proven to do nothing more than be a good excuse or even a really bad excuse because cheating is not only the reason players don’t play PvP but run from it. I really hope I’m wrong about everything I’ve written but the lack of acknowledgment from Bungie on this subject doesn’t help. The makers of the mod packs not only violate Bungie’s term of service by allowing the functionality they provide but cheapen the experience of those of us who want fair games so where are the lawsuits from Bungie against them? Until Bungie acknowledges this issue and shows they take it seriously I’m going to continue to think they have no intention of caring about it because to be honest I don’t think they do.[/quote] Destiny is definitely not the most unique PvP experience lol Anyways the reason they dont is because the war against cheats will never end, do you really think that a game will never have any cheats ever? The whole reason Anti-Cheats are kernel level is because cheats are that deep and most people hate on anti-cheats that go that deep and try to boycott games that launch with them. But of course cheats will always keep advancing its a cat and mouse game and technically cheats will always be ahead. So there’s ultimately no point in talking about it because what do you expect? Them to say “we are finally removing all cheaters” It wont happen ever there is no point staying quiet is better since atleast cheaters wont know their plans going foward.

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          • 10
            It’s at the point where I think some of the gaming companies are in bed w cheating devs

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            13 Antworten
            • 2
              The same reason they ban people for mentioning cheating issue in this forum, steamcommunity, and twitter, it's not about stopping people from hacking, they can't do that in 7 years they never will, it's about censoring the people who raise it, if you can't fix the issue, fix the guy who talk about it

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            • I stopped playing PvP. Bungie struggles with many things in the mode which has makes it a bad experience. I may try the new changes to PvP but honestly they have lost my interest as I know they struggle bringing a healthy balanced mode. Incompetent shareholders and senior leadership have gotten us to where we are at.

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            • [quote]I really hope I’m wrong about everything I’ve written[/quote] Yeah, and the truth has been repeated so many times and all the information you need is available online, so clearly at this point this is the opinion you want to have.

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            • Bearbeitet von Kiro - 13: 2/29/2024 12:53:45 AM
              They cant really ban 3rd party devices at this point in time because it would severely impact player population. That would possible force a Sony take over. 29k active players on steam lets round it to 30k. Multiply it by 3 for xbox and playstation. 90k total between all platforms. Lets also conservatively we assume 5% of the player base is using program cheats(aimbot & wall hack) and net limiter shenanigans, then 10% are on 3rd party devices. Again these are conservative numbers & are likely alittle higher in reality(by 2-5%). The over all player base drops from 90k to 765000 players. The console player base will drop to 51k from 60k. The steam population goes to 25500 from 30k. Its simple Bungie CANT ban these users because they need them so they don't default on their Sony contract that would force a take over. The player population needs to recover before they take any action.

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            • If they start telling us about how they’re dealing with cheaters, cheat companies would end up gaining valuable information on how to bypass the anticheat and future updates to their anticheat and game.

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              3 Antworten
              • I'm not saying that the isn't cheating, but I just don't really see cheating happening very often at all. I see it maaaaaybe once in a blue moon, true cheating that is. I suspect that what you're referring to as "cheating" may actually be Bungie's "catch-up mechanics" in the game. Are you an average 1.2 k/d player (like myself) and in a match, at the beginning you're doing great, but then halfway through the match, it feels like all of a sudden your thumbs stopped working, all of your shots are body shots, and that 0.6 k/d player on the other team has suddenly become super accurate, and destroys you in every gunfight, all the way up until about 2:00 left in the match? Then in the next match, suddenly your the top guy and finish with an "undefeated medal", even though you're playing against the same players from the last match that kept destroying you? Well, my friend, what you're experiencing here, are the catch-up mechanics that are developed into the game, to make the matches "more exciting".

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                4 Antworten
                • It’s a shame, I reported someone who was extremely blatantly a recov or cheater (first season playing, first season Trials history, 4.0 KD) and they’re still around…

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                • Giving significant mention of how they are addressing the cheating problem gives us information, which is good, but it also gives the cheaters information. They've explained this before. The more they tell us, the easier it is to build cheats that get around whatever anti cheat exists. The best thing they can do is not tell us what they're doing.

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                • I genuinely wonder how you would personally know the difference between some one that is on console using M&K versus some one that is on console using controller; also some one who is on PC using M&K versus using a controller. I'm quite sure you cant really tell the difference at all and I have a theory that neither can Bungie really, unless they have a program to detect input on client side ends, but even that would likely just mean nothing since some one could be playing on a computer at that time. And since PVP is now cross-platform, this would mean that these cheaters would be seen everywhere from people on all platforms and, my personal experience is, I never see cheaters ever. Nor do I ever see people that even come close to looking like they're cheating in any capacity. I think it's very easy for people on this forum to say "cheaters" in their thread and immediately get upvotes. Who wouldn't want cheaters banned, I know I do. But the fact is that I rarely ever see them; definitely not to the frequency you claim they are at. I'm willing to bet the people you say are cheating aren't actually cheating, which is probably why you rarely see talk about it. Also, if Bungie is banning people, it's literally their policy to not talk about it publicly or openly on any information platform so I'm not sure why you'd even complain.

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                  18 Antworten
                  • Whats the point of addressing cheating when they obviously dont care about it?

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                  • There's no magical fix for cheating. It's always going to be in the game. That's a fact. Bungie could be working hard to prevent it as best they can, they may be doing nothing at all, but the less they talk about it, the less information cheaters get to help circumvent the anti-cheating measures.

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                    3 Antworten
                    • And it would be really helpful if Bungie restricted player names to English. In my region (Oceania) at the end of a game it's hard to report a player when you can't tell who is who. Cheating here is rampant and it's jokingly obvious. This game is at the point of being not worth playing, and for those of us that have spent good money on all the DLCs, it's a rip off !

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                    • Why would there be ….there is no security team so cheating is here to stay ….for now .

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                    • Bearbeitet von Tatsuya: 2/29/2024 1:07:59 AM
                      Has everyone already forgotten their security team was laid off? Of course cheating is going to become rampant. There is hardly anyone looking at it now.

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