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Destiny 2

Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny 2 zu tun hat.
Bearbeitet von JasDarling: 2/18/2024 10:15:56 PM

One'sCalling is recruiting one and all!

Looking for a clan to enjoy the game, and run different content? [b]Then look no further![/b]✨️ [b]After years of being dormant, the calling has returned.[/b] We run all content from PvE to PvP. Looking for other members who just want to enjoy the game. New and Veteran players welcome! Growing together and learning together. Whatever aspect fits your ideal. Fun environment. Chill people. Don't ever feel pressured to rush to catch up to anyone or to do things alone. We stand together. Run raids? ✔️You got it. Gambit or crucible? ✔️ You got it. Quests or Campaign? ✔️ You got it. Come join us and enjoy what Destiny 2 has to offer!

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