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Destiny 2

Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny 2 zu tun hat.
Bearbeitet von jhermannITJ: 2/23/2024 4:02:09 AM


Note: I saw a post on the Traveler (tag credited below) directly related to the Secrets I've been writing about... before I knew it, I was writing it in their topic... 😂 I was going to wait, but then I just copied it all here & finished it. 2nd Note: I messed up a few of the video links below (Truths)... but I fixed them to link to the correct videos. [url=]Savathun's Origin[/url] "[b][u]The Traveler[/u][/b] [i]Everything changed with the coming of the Traveler. [u]It gave us gifts[/u] that transformed the solar system and the nature of human life. It ushered in the Golden Age, a time of miracles. [u]But it never shared its deepest secrets[/u]. Where did the Traveler come from? Why did it offer us so much? Did it know it was being hunted across the stars? And why, when the Darkness came, did it choose to stay and fight for us? Now the Traveler hangs, silent, above humanity's final sanctuary. It may be healing. It may be dying. It gave everything it had to save us. And now its power lies with us, its Guardians.[/i] [b][u]Ghost Fragment: The Traveler[/u][/b] [i]You have lived as invisibly as possible, flicking from solar system to solar system, [u]making grand plans[/u], overseeing the culturing of civilizations, before leaving in a blink. But you have no recollection of ever wanting worship or even thanks from those blessed by you. But memory is heavy now. It feels like lead and neutronium and electroweak matter fashioned into a moon-sized ball that you must carry as you move. Now, your flight is rapid, your vast mind infected with such dread and toxic doubt that you find yourself afraid of the simple act of thought. [u]And it is your children you must turn to now, in time of need.[/u][/i] [b][u]Ghost Fragment: The Traveler 2[/u][/b] [i]This has been such a long chase. This will be the place you will fight. Fight and win. But do you really know why you go where you go, and where this journey is taking you? The chase leads you where you need to be, you believe. are being pushed.[/i] [b][u]Ghost Fragment: The Traveler 3[/u][/b] [i]The knife had a million blades. And you were giant, powerful and swift. But the knife pinned you. Cut your flesh away. Very little was left, you are sure, because you feel insignificant now. The hard slick heart of your soul: That is what remains. [u]A body small as a river stone[/u], and just as simple. You picture yourself as a piece of indigestible grit, [u]a nameless nothing hiding among other nameless stones[/u]. Perhaps you glitter like a gem, yes. Pride makes you hope so. If only you could see yourself. But you have no eyes. Not the dimmest sense survives. What lives is memory, and what slim portion of these thoughts can you [u]trust[/u]? The knife stole much more than your body".[/i] This isn't about the Traveler... It is and it isn't. It's about "Secrets". Here's the exercise; read this as though it was a person... a [spoiler]"Mother".[/spoiler] [u][b]"And it is your children you must turn to now, in time of need".[/b][/u] This about the false [spoiler]Mother.[/spoiler] This is Savathun, the moment she accepted the "gift"... when she was cursed. That's my theory. Secrets. She's talking about stones in a pond... who was talking about that recently 😉? Hmmm? Who's daughter is she? Thank you @Veilfire07... I was hoping someone would bring up this lore 😇👍💠. Note: We're getting closer and closer to my theory, we're almost there. Where? I'm not 100% sure... BUT (don't read the next spoiler) who fits? If this was a person talking about pond stones & secrets? Her children? [spoiler]Osana Sov [/spoiler] Where would you... could you place such cosmic pond stones? I won't answer this one. Where does this story begin & end? "making grand plans" ""There is only the plan," Illyn said". [url=]The Dreaming City: Throne[/url] Listen.... [url=]Savathun's facade.[/url] Then read the above lore again from D1. This cutscene was an act of theatre recreating the original moment. Listen.... [url=]The "Blade" is the lure.[/url] Listen.... [url=]The Endless Night[/url] Keywords: [url=]Key... keywords... Egg[/url] The keyword is "Machine": [url=]starting tomorrow 1/16/24 the Ghost in the Machine & forks...[/url] Catalyst: Altar of Reflection... the 2 truths: [url=]Truth 1[/url] & [url=]Truth 2[/url] Insight: Altar of Reflection [url=]The Clues[/url] Keyword: "Power" [url=]Truth 1[/url] & [url=]Truth 2[/url] Pact: Altar of Reflection [url=]The Clues[/url] Keyword: "Child" [url=]Truth 1[/url] & [url=]Truth 2[/url] Choice: Altar of Refection [url=]The Clues[/url] Keyword: "Secrets" [url=]Truth 1[/url] & [url=]Truth 2[/url] [url=]Secrets in Truth to Power[/url] [i]""Black holes are the densest possible computers in the physical universe. They are also the most secure, since they can be made to retain their information until they evaporate in the deep cosmic future. The Hive operate small singularity computers, such as the World's Grave, and the Vex sometimes pack enough energy and information into a small area of spacetime to collapse it into kugelblitz black hole like the one you can see outside. But a true stellar-mass or galactic-mass black hole computer is inconceivably more powerful. "If Savathûn plans to predicate her existence on the concealment of her secrets, as Oryx predicated his upon the sword logic, it would be logical for her to safeguard her deepest secrets and her throne world in a supermassive black hole computer. To defeat her would require a journey below the event horizon and the exposure of her most jealously guarded truths."" [/i] Guardians... this is [b]The Galaxy Pools[/b]. That's the computer Savathun used to create the simulation, the universe, the timeline we exist in. This is where she places the pond stones to manipulate fate... to control Destiny. Note: Secrets continued below in the replies marked as such. The links after this statement need not be read to continue or to understand this post despite them all being connected. My recommendation is to read through this first... despite it being the last in my series... the "end is the beginning"... they're all "looped" together. Note: All the posts that led to "Secrets" starting with the earliest.... [url=]Crow is no longer a Guardain[/url] [url=]Better to reign in Heaven...[/url] [url=]Soteria is the RUG.[/url] [url=]The Ghost in the Machine[/url] [url=]Trust[/url] [url=]Key...keywords...Eggs.[/url] Secrets. 7 in total, I'm such a nerd ✌️😂💠.
#lore #destiny2

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  • Bearbeitet von jhermannITJ: 2/17/2024 5:29:31 AM
    Exposition of how I think the Reflection puzzles are solved: Choice - One of truth solutions (2nd from Choice): The Traveler is a computer. How do I know? The solutions have clues... there's 4 clues & the 2/4 solutions that match the conditions of any one clue I believe are the solutions. Thus 2 truths, 2 lies... For the cutscene that identifies the Traveler as a part of a computer system the clues are: The Traveler will leave. The Traveler will Fall. The Traveler is not the only one of its kind. & The Hive are not the last to be chosen by the light. "not the last to be chosen" is a logic cipher... essentially a rule/key... meaning via logical construction of the statement whether included explicitly in the statement or not. So, here's how it works... I won't do the math but this is provable respective the statements available... you should get it by my exposition. We know the Hive have gotten the "light" So, all we need are statements that allow for the possibility of the Hive not being "last" chosen by the "light". It doesn't have to be affirmative either, the logic just needs to work. And the only 2 solutions are the dismissals that were true to the logic of any clues. That being: why the Hive were chosen by the traveler to receive the light. In both solutions it begins they weren't chosen, but not by the Light... by the Traveler. Which allows for them to receive the light... which must happen for the key to work & we know they have... from in-game events. The logic is still holding. Then, the first solution explains where they could get the light from without the Traveler choosing them directly... via the surrogate of Savathun, who was given the "light" and ghosts to choose and control others like the Lightbearer Hive. The logic is sound & neither of the other statements work logically. So that's how I am fairly confident those are the 2 truths vs. the remaining 2 lies. Now Pact... this one took me awhile. The clues are: Osiris is dead Savathun is dead The Witness birthed the Darkness In the end, your destiny lies beyond this system Let me explain how I exclude clues... the first statement, though not a solution... but part of the logic puzzle under Pact excludes "Osiris is dead" because Savathun talks about "living" as Osiris. Which also excludes the next clue. It's "The Witness birthed the darkness". And the keyword is "child"... specifically darkness as the alpha & omega... as progenitor and progeny. There is one more clue... "Takes one to know one" ... that's what I was missing, that IS a statement of progenitor and progeny... same as the student becomes the master & the master becomes the student... the source becomes the derivative and the derivative becomes the source... like bread or pizza dough. It's a loop. One of the solution suggests this logic... and there is nothing in the key that excludes it IF a cycling logic is baked to one of the viable/possible solutions... which the solution, "the witness is a child of the darkness"... this might make your brain hurt... so "takes one to know one" proceeds that initial declaration affirmed by the second meaning by being a child of the darkness they assume the progenitor role as the Darkness. So, is the child/derivative.. and IS (royal) the source. The egg becomes the hen, the hen lays eggs... a philosophical paradox. So that allows for the clue "The witness birthed the darkness" while being the "child of the darkness". It's a loop. That's how I figured out "Pact"... I think. Insight was easy. The clue is, "The Power to move worlds will soon be yours". And it's obvious which 2 solutions matched the logic of that key.

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  • Bearbeitet von jhermannITJ: 2/22/2024 9:10:09 PM
    Secrets cont. [i]"She remembers everything about the moment she is born. She has gone outside Yang Liwei to die in starlight. She cannot bear to let anyone see her fear or her awe at the scale of destruction or her pity for the billions of souls dying in darkness back around Sol. She cannot be among the other crew as they cling to each other and whisper reassurances; not even with her mother. She cannot surrender her mystery".[/i] Mara when she turned... after she became Awoken, with her mother also on the Exodus Green. 😉 [i]"The slope of warped space-time around them has become too steep, and now every path outward or forward bends back to the center where Light and Dark collide. The definition of "future" has become synonymous with the definition of "inward." This is why it's called an event horizon: For an object within the horizon, the path of all future things that can be done or seen leads inevitably down to the center. All events lead inward".[/i] How? This is how.... (quoted above & below) [i]"Mara thinks of her mother's face. She hears Osana say: I can't watch over you like a mother would. I have to make my own choices now. She fires the detach command into the tether. Gravity seizes her. She falls forward in space and time, into the future, into the mystery. Yang Liwei is behind her. Uldwyn is behind her. She wants to be the first".[/i] But she wasn't... she wasn't the 1st. [url=]I built this place.[/url] This is the Endless Night... and we're in a loop of simulations created by Savathun to break her shackles and claim victory over the Witness. The lore I quote... begin with is after "Catalyst"... it's "after" this ('after' being in quotes... you'll see 😉): [b]-Ecstasiate I-[/b] [i]"to occur the unhappened world; to grip glass-hooped eternity in bloodslick hands and snap it from its circle. Know her as the Flaw, the Isotropy, the spike that pierced eternal recurrence and made the wound of time. Tautologies end on her fingertips, in the crease between skin and nail. Name her AILILIA, Broth Captain. Begin with her this subcreation. First. A mandala. Rings of rippled light. Pinpricks like stars, selected elements of a Lie group: the math-skeleton of this new place. What is this? Where am I? A sheet of paper, blank with static. Her hands flat upon the face. A plasma of quarks and electrons, so hot and bright that it is pitch black. The mean free path is too short for photons to travel. The fire is too thick for light. She has been here forever. AILILIA. [u]The end is the beginning is the end[/u]. She folds the paper into Space and Time. Now that there is light, she can read the paper, and she finds it is the Amrita Charter. "Sun is the cradle of life, but we cannot remain in the cradle forever." She was a seeker. The I of AILILIA, the arrow that points to new worlds: She sought new sun, new earth. Her mind passes across the words like a comb. Word becomes world, paper folds under nimble hands. The sting of a papercut: so God may yet be surprised. From that cut her blood scatters through the void, and the isotropic universe nucleates around her droplets. I am AILILIA, the guiding principle. Bend the center. I am A L I S I L A, the arrow of time, sinuous but progressing. I am A L I S I L I, one step forward, one element changed: This is how the world-clock ticks, by the letterwise permutation of secret names. I am ALIS LI, the coalescence into entities, the compaction of drifting fire into sun and world. I am Alis Li, the power that seeks new worlds. I have a crew. I had… a ship. I wanted to bring them to a place like— (A paradise world: twin-ringed, impossible beauty, and a sky milk-bright with stars. She makes it real with a thought, and in that thought she falls herself, undoes her transient divinity, binds herself and all those after her into the law. The omniscient cannot explore. The omnipotent cannot struggle. She refuses that God-trap.) —this. This is how Alice Li awakens".[/i] The moment the Awoken emerged... when Alis refused the gift. When Mara talks about being "born"? It wasn't when she became Awoken. [b]Alis Li - [/b] [i]"Her first pronunciation was that there would be no secrets among Awoken. For Alis knew of the quiet council around Mara, and although she was neither jealous nor afraid, she remembered it carefully as a spark that might catch".[/i] Didn't Mara have Sjur kill Eao for "stealing" Awoken secrets? That's from their version... the Awoken's version of the Ten Commandments... essentially. The Awoken are to have no secrets specifically cited because of Mara's incendiary nature. That got the Amhakara obliterated under false pretenses. Seems Alis had some foresight into this matter. The treachery wellspring of "Secrets". Also, from those edicts... [i]".... that this world was Tributary of another, but that it was [u]forbidden[/u] to seek any way to rejoin the [u]mother[/u] stream. For this reason, it would be called the Distributary, for that was the proper name for a river that branches from the mother and does not return".[/i] "forbidden" And it sounds like there is another place... the source, The Fundament as we know it. [b]This is when Mara turned on Alis...[/b] [i]"Now there arose among the Eccaleists a woman out of the eight hundred ninety one who called herself the Diasyrm. She went into the cities, calling out, "I accuse the Queen of deicide!" When she was questioned, she spoke of a foundational crime. "Alis Li was the first to awaken in this world," the Diasyrm preached. "She set the terms of our existence. We could have been gods free of want or suffering. Instead, Alis Li chose our mortal form. Our Queen is complicit in all the pain we experience! The Queen murdered all our unborn godheads!" At the thought that the Queen Without Secrets had kept this most appalling secret to herself, the Sanguine cityfolk were deeply troubled. Thus began the Theodicy War".[/i] The Diasyrm was speaking on Mara's behalf... She instigated the War. Here's the most important quote from that section, after being undermined by the Diasyrm... starting the war. Alis, [i]"Did you start this, Mara?" "Nothing has one beginning," Mara says. [/i] [b]"NOTHING HAS ONE BEGINNING"[/b]... Mara Sov in her own words. Because at this moment she already had SECRETS she was hiding. Mara is not waxing philosophical when she said this... she's talking about the Endless Night. None of this is from Truth to Power, btw... it's from Marasenna... the link is from Reflections: Catalyst. [b]Alis -[/b] [i]""Why do you love lies so much?" she asks Mara. "Not lies." The pale radiance of Mara's eyes; the flush of violet stain around them. "[u]Secrets[/u]. Even if everyone shared a single truth, all our minds would produce different versions of the truth. We speak these subtruths, and like flowers of different seed, the subtruths compete for the light of our attention. [u]In time, only the fiercest and most provocative strains remain. They are not always the truest.[/u] Better to keep secrets, your Majesty. [u]Better to tend a great mystery[/u], and so starve the flowers before they can grow. [u]That is how I would be Queen.[/u]""[/i] And so it was... [i][b]".... her mother. She cannot surrender her mystery".[/b][/i] [i]"I want to end this war," Alis Li tells the second Awoken. "I want to negotiate peace. I need your [u]mother[/u]'s help. What would you ask in exchange?" Mara smiles graciously and bows her head. "Nothing but a future boon."[/i] Mara started the war to steal the "boon". To take the Awoken throne.... [i]"To end a world with a shot or pin eternity on a [u]blade[/u]; to see your sisters lost to rot and their undone works decayed—the death of an immortal wastes the infinite potential of all they might become. An immortal's grief and murder-guilt, left untended, will never fade. [u]Thus it became known to those who fought in the Theodicy War that they had committed an incomparable evil.[/u] However, they could not confront their own responsibility, so they rose up in wrath against those who had given them cause, whether by caging them in flesh bodies or by drawing blood over grievance. The war continued by spear and bow, by knife and scalpel, by old [u]machine[/u] and new invention".[/i] The "blade"... the "machine"... talked about in Reflections (linked in the original topic post)... The Traveler. [i]"Now there entered into the Diasyrm's camp Osana, mother of Mara, famed for her skill in negotiating contested land. She had come with her son Uldren, who could win a place in any camp for his beauty and for the [u]regal crow-eagle[/u] that alighted on his shoulder. "I come from Mara," said Osana, "whose heart has frozen in her chest. If you will end the killing, she will tell you any [u]secret[/u] that you desire.""[/i] So Osana was playing theatre... because Mara was behind the Diasyrm and instigated the conflict to begin with. Lies. "regal [u]CROW[/u]-eagle" You don't say? Like that fancy armor and ship Crow got... where did it come from? We still don't know... OR maybe we do, maybe I do. Uldren's moniker upon resurrection... "Crow"... who picked that?

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    2 Antworten
    • Could you condense this down into a sentence or 2 ?

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      • Sorry to say, but your theory is cracking in multiple parts. Osama never left the distributary. For all I know or care of, she could still be alive in there. Time is different after all. You can talk about “mother” as Savathun, but the fact is that Savathun is an ancient being. A mother of the hive, sure. I would maybe agree with that. It’s dependent on perspective. But not Osana. This “curse” you are stringing together, it is loose, respectfully. No source or evidence definitively says that Savathun endured a “curse” in which she switched her being entirely. And let’s not forget the fact that Osana is Awoken. Savathun is Millions of years old. My friend, you can push a theory any way you like. But it doesn’t make sense if the logic isn’t sound. Like saying the sun was a planet in the past. That’s not how stars work. QED, your theory is disproved.

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        • Since OP wants to use Awoken of the Reef as a source, allow me to introduce to you all to the continuation of Marasenna within that book. [url=]Tyrannocide IV[/url] [quote]You cannot defeat a thing that is synonymous with death except on its own territory. You cannot fear and flee from death. You must face it. Death is a sword, and a sword is like a crossing-point, like a bridge—and a bridge may be walked two ways. The plan exists in her mind alone, although beloved Eris has by necessity learned most of it. The Techeuns do not know the whole plan, although they will position the Harbingers upon the threshold. Even sweet capable Petra does not know the whole plan. So many she will leave behind. Uldren knows nothing of the whole plan. He has kept more and more to himself, building up secrets and schemes—all, Mara knows (and pities), because he needs Mara and thinks he can get her attention by keeping secrets from her. Secrets are her virtue and the virtue of her nemesis. The being whose existence she deduced from the analogy-of-family the Oracle Engine showed her. Mara will begin the end of that Queen's brother today. She knows what that means for the fate of her own. An eye for an eye. She must think now of the fate of entire cosmos—and of her tender, half-assembled answer to the cold sword logic of the Hive. She must not grieve. She must not fear.[/quote] The plan Illyn refers to in the passage above is, in the short term, the plan to defeat Oryx and take his power. But that was only a means to an end to defeat Savathun, who was revealed to Mara Sov through the Oracle Engine before we had even recovered the Books of Sorrow and learned of her ourselves. [url=]Tyrannocide II[/url] [quote]Ten times and once more Mara asked the Oracle Engine to show her the sword that was death and the way it would appear. Ten times and once more the Oracle Engine showed Mara an image of her family. First it showed her Sjur Eido, laughing and bright with strength, who would recede and later return. Then it showed her Uldren, her brother, who explored the ruins of the fallen worlds and sought out challenges to test himself. Then it showed Mara her own face and lingered on the secret brightness of her eyes. Last of all, leaving Mara imperious with disdain toward her own feelings, curtly aloof toward all who asked her what troubled her, it showed her Osana, who had remained behind.[/quote] Mara and Savathun are set up as competing forces within the narrative both because of their similar modus operandi but also because it allows for Mara to see how she might be viewed by those around her. There's a reason why Savathun wanted Crow present during Season of the Lost, she wanted to knock Mara off balance so that she might be caught unawares when the Witch Queen sprung her trap and escaped. Kind of like how we only defeated Savathun at the end of Witch Queen by revealing to her that the Bargain with the Worm Gods was a deception by the Witness to rile up her anger into a direct confrontation. As I've always maintained, the very idea of this conspiracy heavily devalues multiple seasons of development from Mara Sov in re-evaluating her approach to those around her, most recently shown this season where she openly confides in Crow that she's afraid she'll lose what remains of her brother for good but decides to relinquish control and allow him to make his own decisions. Not to mention upending the entire narrative as a simulation that was never real to begin with. And for what return? A 'wasn't that shocking?' and not much else of value. Its the D.B. Weiss and David Benioff approach to the narrative of Destiny, making everything that came before seem like pointless investment because the payoff subverts it. No, Arya killing the Night King isn't a good ending for that character just because it was unexpected and no the line referring to eye colours wasn't genius level foreshadowing that justifies it.

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          6 Antworten
          • Bearbeitet von MC 077 Lasombra: 2/19/2024 7:09:07 AM
            The Traveler saying the word children magically means Savathun controls the Traveler and runs the universe. Checks out! 🤣🤣🤣

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            • Nothing in Truth to Power is canon- it is all lies and stuff Bungie decided to retcon. I wouldn’t recommend making any theories with parts of that lore book.

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              • As has been said to you beyond compare, Truth To Power is not true. It was written by Savathune, the God of Deception, Trickery, and Lies. Why do we have to tell you this after so many times.

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                • 🍿

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