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ursprünglich gepostet in: Dreaming City excitement
2/13/2024 5:18:28 AM
It's just an unintentional issue with the ascendant plane bubbles being resized.

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  • And this caused a rainbow to appear in the dreaming city? A rainbow?? A rainbow??????? With no tower, no black hole, and a rainbow??? And you say it’s because of bubble resizing?

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  • Bearbeitet von xbroggiex: 2/13/2024 5:20:43 AM
    Think the rainbow is normal and is just close enough to be inside the bubble. Divalin mists doesn't have this issue but any area with an Ascendant plane does.

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  • I really haven’t noticed the rainbow till recently. Kind of a bummer.

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  • Bearbeitet von jhermannITJ: 2/13/2024 6:18:40 AM
    They're pulling your chain... stuff is changing, you're right. It doesn't work like that, it's a tile set... that's how textures and assets are applied, you can stack things on top of each other and it's virtually invisible. You mean the tower shown in the constellation was always visible, there in the ascendant realm? No.

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  • The rainbow is literally visible in the DC trailer thumbnail on YT from 5 years ago.

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  • I'm not the OP, I never brought up the rainbow... I was never talking about the rainbow. I brought up the elevator... in the Hall of Names that's never been used. And what I believe to be new assets in the ascendant realm. Related to the conclusion of this season. I think those assets are compartmentalized areas of [spoiler]the Shattered Throne... [/spoiler] And the reason they're not expanding off of the dungeon tile set is because of logistics. It's as simple as that.

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  • Bearbeitet von xbroggiex: 2/15/2024 11:33:10 PM
    [quote]I brought up the elevator... in the Hall of Names that's never been used.[/quote] The elevator that literally brings you back up from where you can drop down in HS? [quote]And what I believe to be new assets in the ascendant realm. Related to the conclusion of this season. I think those assets are compartmentalized areas of[/quote] There is a piece of the Shattered Throne oob in Confluence but its been there since release and actually its just the area where the load zone for shattered throne is located. If you for instance had noclip and went over there you would be able to access ST bubbles while not in the activity however it would have none of the mechanics or enemies present. What you are probably seeing is parts of the areas that lead into the confluence that are oob because ascendant bubbles are like a million times larger. [quote]And the reason they're not expanding off of the dungeon tile set is because of logistics. It's as simple as that.[/quote] Destiny doesn't use tile sets.

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  • "The elevator that literally brings you back up from where you can drop down in HS"? Nope, lol. And they use custom tile sets, the way you generally go Oob is by looking for breaks.

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  • Bearbeitet von xbroggiex: 2/15/2024 11:46:44 PM
    [quote]"The elevator that literally brings you back up from where you can drop down in HS"? Nope, lol.[/quote] The other room isn't an elevator it was only added in Lost as a room where you pickup the artifact for that season. It wasn't present prior to that season. [quote]And they use custom tile sets, the way you generally go Oob is by looking for breaks.[/quote] They manually do all the level design. You can literally see this in one of the vidocs as a dev is putting together the Moon in D1. Bungie is also not always the best when it comes to plugging up gaps in their levels.

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  • "The other room isn't an elevator it was only added in Lost as a room where you pickup the artifact for that season. It wasn't present prior to that season". Not there either 😉. "They manually do all the level design". Yes WITH "custom tile sets".

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  • [quote]"They manually do all the level design". Yes WITH "custom tile sets".[/quote] They place down assets they don't place down tiles. Please learn what tile set means. [quote]"The other room isn't an elevator it was only added in Lost as a room where you pickup the artifact for that season. It wasn't present prior to that season". Not there either 😉.[/quote] There is no other rooms in that area besides the offside area with the statue and the old skull trade rooms. So stop the porky pies.

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  • Bearbeitet von jhermannITJ: 2/16/2024 12:04:06 AM
    "They place down assets they don't place down tiles. Please learn what tile set means". I do. I've done a fair amount of modeling. You play "Last Chance"... it's obvious. You create a block/tile... you manipulate it using 3D modeling tools. You apply textures, paint it... animate it in some instances... add individual lighting effects like the jar tile assets in 'last chance'... and then you link the tiles together. They didn't manually create every light jar tile... they created a few versions for the purpose of perspective... like when you're looking up into the spiraling tower in Last Chance. They resize them as needed. But each wasn't created piece by piece. A "custom" tile set. 😇 👍💠

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  • So you are talking about texturing which has nothing to do with what we are talking about which is the geometry.

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  • Nope, I'm talking about both. A "custom" tile set.

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  • Bearbeitet von xbroggiex: 2/16/2024 12:18:35 AM
    Yeah, that doesn't magically make objects appear in levels they manually place them in an editor. But really an object is already textured and done by other developers and level designers simply just pop objects into the levels where needed. Its not really a "tile set" as that term I took to mean like Warframes level tile sets. 2D games use tile sets as a method of saving time. 3D games the assets are already completed and simply need to be placed in through an editor.

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  • I never referenced magic as a method. You just don't understand how it works. That's okay.

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  • Bearbeitet von xbroggiex: 2/16/2024 12:24:19 AM
    [quote]You just don't understand how it works.[/quote] The irony of that statement. You get blasted on every single thing and can't retort except with passive aggressive remarks... lol pathetic. Btw tile sets are really only used for 2D games as way of looking up textures for specific objects in a single image file while 3D game each object has its own dedicated textures allocated to it and Destiny doesn't use that.

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  • There's no irony. I'm not being passive aggressive either. You just don't know how it works. And a cynic.

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  • Bearbeitet von xbroggiex: 2/16/2024 12:26:07 AM
    Destiny doesn't use tile sets it has individual texture files for each object. You don't know how it works lol. You don't even know how bubbles work in Destiny for crying out loud lol.

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  • Bearbeitet von jhermannITJ: 2/16/2024 12:38:44 AM
    I'm not talking about objects... I'm talking about custom tiles, the jars I'm talking about aren't individual assets they're a part of a "custom" tile. Those tiles... some solid, some aren't.... Those tiles... some literally tiles... some are blocks.... They're linked together inside of a zone, which isn't a "bubble"... X,Y,Z axis Then you layer/stack those spaces. But there's gaps... between those areas, and the tiles... that's Oob.

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  • Bearbeitet von xbroggiex: 2/16/2024 1:08:27 AM
    That's a lot of nonsense you just spouted out there. [quote]They're linked together inside of a zone, which isn't a "bubble"... X,Y,Z axis[/quote] Again proving my point of not knowing what a bubble is. In Destiny most of what you see is all individual objects some larger than others, some are static objects and some are entities(Coil Jars for example) the giant bridge from the dreaming city is an asset that is created and textured individually and placed in manually in an editor, that applies to say rocks as well but not all the rocks are their own individual assets with their own individual textures most of the time they are just the same rocks rotated to make them look different to save time and storage space but there is quite a few rocks that are created for the designers to use. I obviously can tell you aren't talking about Terrain either with the nonsensical mention of "jars". OOB is a gap within the terrain(rare to see) but majority of the time its gaps between objects and the majority of Destiny is individual objects placed in through an editor.

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  • Bearbeitet von Hesh: 2/18/2024 4:19:02 PM
    HAHAH! This was SO funny to read, man! He always HAS to be right about everything! What a card! You got him in the corner now, Brog!

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