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ursprünglich gepostet in: I Can't Believe we have to do THIS again.
2/13/2024 1:16:09 AM
There's also an extended conversation between Ikora Rey and Arach Jalaal on the subject. [url=]The Hidden Dossier[/url] It's more focused with the more fourth wall-breaking stuff Savathun has done like addressing the player directly, trolling dataminers and challenge runner as well as briefly taking over the Destiny 2 social media account. It's an interesting interpretation not particularly relevant to the post, as it's very much meta.

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  • I recall some reading it as the writer finally spelling out for fans what the [i]Truth to Power[/i] lore was actually about. I think I was excited when the Hidden Dossier brought up Black Hole Cosmogenesis because it had finally clicked with me during Season of the Lost that the story of Destiny had been using a scientific hypothesis I wasn't familiar with, an idea that has stuck with me ever since. The Clovis Bray Missing Logbook had been nagging at me because of the following: "[i]T[b]he Vex will not rest until every star has been crushed into a black hole and every newborn cosmos filled with more Vex.[/b] And in the unending array of their enslaved cosmos, they will simulate all possible pasts, and fill those with Vex, so that all things that have ever lived or might ever live will experience infestation and consumption and torment by the silica nightmare.[/i]" I had initially assumed the Vex were crushing stars into black holes to harness their energy through the Penrose Process, but the wording of the paragraph kept nagging at me. At this point, I had assumed the Distributary was the result of paracausal powers clashing and didn't think to associate it with an existing scientific hypothesis. Same with the lore entry PETULANT. Eventually, I learned about Cosmological Natural Selection, a virtually identical hypothesis to Pathria-Good black hole cosmogenesis, and finally realized what was being used. It has been a favorite idea of mine ever since. I cannot recall ever reading a story where Black Hole Cosmogenesis was used as a story element before I realized Destiny 2 had used it. I'd argue there is still some relevance there, specifically with the Hidden Dossier, depending on whether or not the Pale Heart is a parent universe superordinate to the main setting. Ikora pointed out that what Savathun is seeking in the Dreaming City has to do with Vex Simulations, Ahamkara, Black Holes, and the manipulation of Hive tribute. That Dul Incaru was seeking not a way into the Distributary, but a way out into a parent universe. Recall what the Last Wish turned out to be: to weave a path through the Ley Lines to allow one person passage through the portal the Witness made, which has been likened to an Einstein-Rosen Bridge in-game. That isn't to say that is what Savathun wanted to find out. She had her wish planned before she had Dul Incaru set herself up in Eleusinia. It was intended to deceive so Savathun could feed her worm, that much is true. But I'd like to think Savathun hid the roadmap for how to pursue the Witness within [i]Truth to Power[/i]. It fits together quite well with how the story has played out. It can mean multiple things.

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  • Bearbeitet von The-IIID-Emp1r3: 2/13/2024 8:51:20 AM
    As much as Ley Lines are depicted as being what is but a web of magic energy in some anime, in the case of in Fate/Kaleid they're more than that as in they bridge timelines/realities if i understodd that correctly, so most likely what Sav is trying to do is force her way in the one timeline/reality where maybe none of this Witness/Traveller war and precursor events never happened including them never being duped by the worms AND the worms themselves never having been enslaved by the Witness (Xita their mother, bound to his will to survive) It kinda makes sense why at some point her goal has been to seal the traveller inside her throne world, away from the outside world and then get to work, she even stole the Veil from Nezarec (killed him then took it) and tossed it onto Neptune and found some lie to get the Witness to leave. We already know varying timelines exist anyways ..Elsie being an example (our Elsie from our Timeline is dead i think), also Ana being alive despite in D1 it was told to us she died at Twilight Gap during the battle of 6 fronts, left pools of solar light everywhere from golden gun (bungie retcon lol).. So there has to be one where we win or one where all this gets negated and erased up to the point the people the Witness is from never found the Traveller to avoid all this chain of events the Traveller caused (it's the Travellers fault all this snowballed really)

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  • I wouldn't hold the Traveler responsible for the Witness' actions, or those of its people. It gives the sense of shifting the responsibility and blame for the Witness' actions onto something else. Besides, a timeline without the Traveler, Veil, or paracausal forces would be doomed if the Vex are still present within it. I doubt Savathun is looking for a place where everything involving the Witness' species never happened. Also, Elsie's time loop doesn't work the way you think it does. She's not "replacing" the Elsie of our timeline, and later the story simply established that Ana Bray faked her death at Twilight Gap (not some timeline shenanigans). As far as the game and story are concerned, we're in the timeline where the Witness is finally defeated, after past timelines Elsie lived through ended with us being corrupted by Darkness. NOTE: As are as Ley Lines are concerned, they are paracausal pathways that can act as shortcuts across the material realm through the Asecendant Plane. The Last Wish allowed Riven to weave the Ley Lines into the portal to the Pale Heart. I doubt they could be used to travel to parallel reality/alternate timelines, nor would I use comparisons to other series to try and understand how they work in Destiny 2.

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  • Bearbeitet von The-IIID-Emp1r3: 2/15/2024 11:37:13 PM
    [quote]I wouldn't hold the Traveler responsible for the Witness' actions, or those of its people[/quote] It gave the people (that are now an amalgam of the Witness) their golden age, if the Traveler would have simply left as soon as they made the discovery in the sands [quote]Besides, a timeline without the Traveler, Veil, or paracausal forces would be doomed if the Vex are still present within it[/quote] Well technically no because withoyt the Witness (and the Veil too) telling the Sol Divisive to replicate the Veil, they wouldn't have turned to darkness, if the only thing that were around was the Traveler then they'd be worshiping her and have had their own golden age maybe, think about it, no Hive either so they would've never made Quria when they tried invading Oryx's throne world after Crota did an oopsies. [quote] I doubt Savathun is looking for a place where everything involving the Witness' species never happened[/quote]. Sav cursing the dreaming city and the loop was told to us as being her trying to get to tge distributary, but in the prior season with Eris she had the Imbaru Engine which made that prior plan pointless, her biggest goal is to essentially escape their reality (into our own, as she has broke the 4th wall more than once, she knows about how WE are real.. Even the Ahamkara have done it too, once or twice break the 4th wall) [quote]Also, Elsie's time loop doesn't work the way you think it does. She's not "replacing" the Elsie of our timeline[/quote] I didn't say she replaced ours, she came from her own timeline where everything went horrible, she even had to put us down because we turned to darkness, had her sis kill Mara because Ana turned evil too, Eris was the one leading the Hive, Drifter dead frozen in the DSC, etc. The only thing i said about the Elsie of OUR timeline here is that she's dead (or missing), read the lore tab for NTTE, in it she and old man Clovis (doesn't say when this happens though, but probably near the same time as wgen Banshee was initially the Clovis copy put in an exo, as theres three seperate ones, old man Clovis, Clovis' mind copy in AI form for DSC security AND the one thats Banshee) had been going to varying timelines to retrieve the weapon, the one in the lore tab reads that Clovis came across her own corpse frozen on Europa probably fought during the collapse (while Ana died in her research lab), which would indicate that Elsie was the one from our timeline (further plausible reason why DSC weapons all have the Bray family names with -1, example Wilhelmina-1, Alton-1, etc on them meaning in this timeline Clovis either made exos out of all of them most likely or intended to by producing their very own empty ready to be used exo frame and just commemorated their names on weapons, one of them has Ana-1 on it) [quote]and later the story simply established that Ana Bray faked her death at Twilight Gap (not some timeline shenanigans).[/quote] Yeah its still retcon garbage just like they did rasputin putting him on mars despite in D1 each planet having a Warmind and taking control of Charlemagne (on Mars) directly from Earth after we had put his systems back online prior in a mission way back [quote]As far as the game and story are concerned, we're in the timeline where the Witness is finally defeated, after past timelines Elsie lived through ended with us being corrupted by Darkness. [/quote] Elsie's been in the loop , neverending, but a few two seasons ago with Rasputin she can't predict events because her cutoff point was that, in any timeline it's as far as she went (aside from those where she went to the city and a pyramid ship was where the traveler should be, one timeline she went to there were no hive on the moon, another she went to we were never ressurrected lol which is funny but scary.. one timeline she says we didn't make it out alive from facing the hive down below , hence why she tells is in vanilla D1 to go see her on Venus if we manage to make it out alive, which we did and she was surprised by it so. Elsie did a lot time jumps, saw a lotta timelines, iirc bungue did do a cutacene of her pov in her own timeline where things went reeeeal bad fast) [quote]NOTE: As are as Ley Lines are concerned, they are paracausal pathways that can act as shortcuts across the material realm through the Asecendant Plane[/quote] Well seeing as the AP is just another parallel dimension i'd say it's sameish, slightly different that the Garden though but a bit sameish [quote]The Last Wish allowed Riven to weave the Ley Lines into the portal to the Pale Heart. I doubt they could be used to travel to parallel reality/alternate timelines, nor would I use comparisons to other series to try and understand how they work in Destiny 2.[/quote] Well seeing as wherever the portal goes sure ain't in our own time and space i'd say it is a seperate reality/dimension where all of time, start and end, converges (see grimoire card of the guardian that tried entering the portal, we even got a cutscene too)

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  • Bearbeitet von Shockwave 989: 2/13/2024 9:12:55 AM
    Savathûn is a surprisingly malleable character best exemplified by her ability to adapt to circumstances. She lost in Splicer. She didn’t originally tend to get chosen by the Traveler. Our bargain with Immaru was a backup in case she was killed and her body taken by the Tower. It’s what makes her interesting, there’s not one overarching scheme everything else is funnelling into. Also the Ana Bray thing is a retcon and while there was a comic dedicated to it, the in game depiction in Warmind feels so cheap not because of the retcon itself, but because of how they chose to execute it. Ana plunges off of a cliff after her ghost gets damaged and she’s presumed dead. The only issue however is that there isn’t a bigger deal made in the initial reintroduction that she abandoned Humanity during one of our most historic battles. It’s not so much of an issue now a days because we’re so far divorced from that, but it’s another one of those narrative failures alongside Nokris’s original utilisation. I think bringing him back in Arrivals just to show how little Savathûn actually cares for the religious dogma about the Final Shape and the tenants of Sword Logic was fantastic. We’re barrelling towards the one outcome where the Witness loses thanks to the Traveler’s time loop, so it’ll be interesting to see how that’s acknowledged in the space of the campaign if at all. We’ll hopefully see some answers with the Exo Stranger during it.

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  • Bearbeitet von The-IIID-Emp1r3: 2/13/2024 5:23:04 PM
    About the Travellers time loop power, my guess is that everytime the Traveller does it that timeline gets yeeted, like branches off a tree being torn one by one, sooner or later it would land on either one where things go okayish or onto the true main timeline (as the exotic weapon title suggests, Worldline Zero, as in ours is the true main timeline, exotic lore card also says that Elsie wiped her computer clean but only the schematic for this Vex tech made weapon remains due to it existing at all times in all timelines). Now ever since Elsie told Osiris that she's never gotten this far in all timelines she's been (and her own too, that one is mad tragic) so i guess safe to say ours might be the main (being worldline # 0)

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