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Destiny 2

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2/12/2024 6:56:48 PM

3 element of Darkness

I think a lot of players were curious and excited about a potential 3 darkness subclass; and I think have been trying to figure out what this red subclass could be. After looking at the light subclasses I strongly suspect it is the inverse of Arc rather than solar. Mainly because of the color theory that has so far held up thus far implying that this should be the case. We also know that Strand and Stasis presumably share some conceptual similarities with the unknown element. So here are some traits I’d expect it to embody: 1. [b]Gaseous[/b], I say this because stasis involves creating rigid order from chaos and produces more solid characteristics. Strand seems tied to liquid in that it requires existing with its flow and that the weave that it comes from behaves much like a liquid rather than a gas. 2. I suspect that it [b]inert or largely un reactive[/b] when it is not manipulated directly. Because this is the case for both Strand and Stasis; and would fit being the opposite to something that is charged and polarized like Arc. 3. [b]It is diffusive and strives for equilibrium.[/b] Strand is it all about laminar flow and Stasis is all about order; as a property of darkness is order the 3rd element must be adherent to some form of order and therefore cannot be chaotic and unconstrained. Diffusion is a natural property in nature in which everything strives to reach equilibrium, and although diffusion can be chaotic as it attempts to reach equilibrium, it is nonetheless purposeful and a form of order found all across nature. To be honest I am guessing at most of these concepts but if I’m correct the most likely culprit of a property of our universe is dark matter. Dark matter is believed to be largely inert, thusly only detectable by its impact on the universe. It is constantly expanding resulting in Redshift ( everything in the universe except our local group of Galaxies is expanding away from us and eventually they will too) if our current understanding of dark matter is correct it will eventually override other forms of order in our universe causing matter to decay and the universe to reach a form of static equilibrium. If I am correct then the missing element is going to essentially be Redshift and will probably have verbs relating to this property like Decay and equilibrium.

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  • Bearbeitet von BarStool: 2/12/2024 9:06:28 PM
    We also need to take into consideration the psionic properties of Darkness abilities. Stasis is about exuding Will over the area. Forcing it to take form, and for it to freeze. It shares similarity with known darkness abilities like the power of Taking, but in this case, instead of exuding Will over a being, you are exuding Will over an environment. Strand, on the other hand is the basis of Will over one’s self. To be disciplined. The reason why I draw this conclusion is because of how we are using Strand. If we were to “go with the flow” witch is the most common interpretation of Strand, it would mean that the power would be chaotic, and therefore, unpredictable, yet we have order within Strand, as seen with Subclass abilities. This suggests that instead of Strand being that of “Going with the Flow” it is rather bringing peace to one’s self. Allowing Strand to run through you. It’s essentially what the Force is to Starwars. Stasis is Will over ones environment Strand is Peace with one’s self (Will over yourself?) So what then follows this motif? Edit: The expansion of the universe is progressing Entropy, which is just the movement of something into a more stable state. This is considered “cooling” as something with energy is inherently more unstable than something that does not have energy. This applies to matter to, which will freeze, then break down into energy (e=mc^2) where it will continue to cool, as space expands and the energy wants to fill that space. This is a similar principle to Stasis, so that could also be a line of similarity between the two.

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    1 Antworten
    • bungie has not planned that far ahead

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