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ursprünglich gepostet in: What note did Brother Vance hear?
Bearbeitet von jhermannITJ: 2/11/2024 10:50:40 PM
Bach: "Mass in B minor (Eb)".... [url][/url] From the wiki, [url][/url] "Title Bach did not give the B minor Mass a title. Instead, he organized the 1748–49 manuscript into four folders, each with a different title. That containing the Kyrie and Gloria he called "1. Missa"; that containing the Credo he titled "2. Symbolum Nicenum"; the third folder, containing the Sanctus, he called "3. Sanctus"; and the remainder, in a fourth folder he titled "[b][u]4. Osanna....[/u][/b]"" I believe [spoiler]Osana Sov[/spoiler] is the final movement of the black mass. As it is in Bach's song known as "Mass" or "Crucifixus". From Last Chance (recall I said it was important): Savathûn: "Devotion inspires bravery. Bravery inspires sacrifice. And sacrifice…" "... leads to death". [url][/url] The Speaker never spoke to the Traveler. Vance was a mole, a spy, for Mara Sov. Mara Sov is Osana's daughter. [spoiler]Osana Sov IS the Witchqueen.[/spoiler] That's my theory. Savathun's song... IS the Black Mass... a song about "sacrifice" eternal towards a dark future. And [spoiler]Osana[/spoiler] is the final movement/shape. "Saying the final shape of the end is a frequency"? It's a frequency... of a song, tFS is the "outro" of Savathun's Song. Note: You keep making great posts... I was going to wait on this info, tbh... IF I'm correct, it kinda' spoils the ending. I'm really impressed, I didn't think anyone was going to discover that Bach reference... but you did 😁. I guess no one really believes me, so it's fine, lol. 'Osana' isn't a common moniker. Outside of this game or Bach... I've never heard it. That song is about sacrifice... of the Christian messiah... the rise of a demi-god by definition. The song talked about in the lore is Savathun's Song. Now, obviously what we've heard isn't Bach's masterpiece note for note... but Vance heard it in Eb minor.

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    Osana Sov O S [url=]osana sov is a computer[/url]

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  • I still don't understand how Isana can possible be Savathun. She seems to be rather similar though.

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  • Bearbeitet von Shockwave 989: 2/11/2024 11:56:52 PM
    It’s a completely ridiculous theory that doesn’t even make any sense. Osana Sov was on the Exodus Green during the Collapse when the clash of Light and Darkness created the Distributary. This is around the same time that Savathûn was on Nezarec’s Pyramid, killing him and stealing away the Veil. Especially when Osana Sov remains in the Distributary when Mara Sov leaves only to emerge in a Post-Collapse world, meaning that there’s no possible way for time dilation to explain this discrepancy. Edit: Also notice how he usually pulls out something entirely unrelated to Destiny out to make his point, like in this case he brings out a composition just because it was split into folders and one of them happened to be name Osanna.

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  • You’ve been refuting him every time he says a theory. It’s funny, how committed you are to making sure no one takes his theories seriously. And I’m not trying to be rude. I’m saying that it’s funny, but of course, you make your own unique and elaborate points. I do not believe Savathun is the mother of Mara Sov, but the way.

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  • Bearbeitet von jhermannITJ: 2/13/2024 7:40:46 AM
    And that's cool... and believe it or not I might be wrong... probably am, lol. But I'm not going to let people walk over me... if you come in peace, we need not agree... but come to fight... I do my homework I've read probably 99% of the lore... I can back up my theories... and I will make you look foolish if you come at me in bad faith. I respect your ideas... Architect's... and I some of my stuff overlaps with other peoples' ideas. So, it's not like I'm the only one seeing these markers. I agree, it is a bold prediction... but Mara, is there any real doubt now? She's corrupt. She used the Vanguard... she annihilated the Amhakara. Do you really believe a person so cunning to chart her own path, stones on the pond... didn't know the Amhakara had chosen peace. Isn't it remarkably similar to what Savathun did with Raven? Destroyed her people then took control of her? And in Marsenna... talking to Kalli and Sedia she defines the eggs as "key(s)". That's real. I didn't make that up. I've been calling us the "Eggmen" since the beginning of the year... I think people thought I was just referencing a parallel with "Through the Looking Glass" & "Humpty Dumpty"... and I did cite those things... BUT... it always starts with the lore... it's in the lore. That's how I knew... no leaks... well before any of that was available. And my bold prediction... is rooted there too, it may be false... but I'm not just making it up. Ager's Scepter... Marasenna... the Dreaming City lore both written and on patrol... all of it I believe informs and supports my theory... about Mara... about [spoiler]her mother.[/spoiler] The striking parallels between Mara's & Savathun's tactics doesn't seem like a coincidence to me. There's a connection... that's my theory... Sry, I dumped this on you... but the person you're responding to is blocked, and they know it... yet they're always here screaming into the void. I have no illusions nor ego about this stuff, it's a video game... but the "scholars" here are just different. There are cool and creative people too... and I have no problem being the target if others are able to express themselves without having the anxiety of have to deal with these people. It's still nutty. They're obsessed with proving me wrong on what I openly admit, man I feel like a parrot 🦜 sometimes, is a theory... that by definition could be wrong. They want me to leave, but I'm not going to leave. They want to bait me into a CoC flag, but it's not going to happen. I like it here 😇 👍💠. Not a huge fan of the behavior, as I've outlined... but I can deal with it.

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  • If there was more going on in this sub forum I wouldn’t need to, because these would be buried. Unfortunately there’s only a handful of regular posters left, so while we’re in a dead spot content wise it’s really the only entertainment to be found here. That and the occasional constructive discussion.

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  • I don't understand all the nuances yet either, but it's not just a coincidence. Or, at least, that's what I think. Whatever "duckery🦆" is going on with Pale Heart respective "time"... will explain for those gaps seemingly between the rise of the sentient Hive on the Fundament and the Awoken emergence per the Distributary. I think they're both next to the Pale Heart... I think the massive difference in time has to do with distance relative to the singularity. Where the Hive could exist for a millennia vs. moments for the Awoken based on distance.

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  • So, your saying Savathun, what, cloned herself and became a human?

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  • No I'm saying, During the cosmic anomaly that created both the Awoken and the Hive, [spoiler]Osana was given the "curse" that bound her as the "false mother" and disciple of the Witness. [/spoiler] [spoiler]Sathona, Osana, Savathun...[/spoiler] names of the same person at different stages in her life. She steals Eris's bio... but Savathun was originally human, Savathun was a [spoiler]Sov.[/spoiler] That's my theory. Same place... maybe, same event certainly per my theory. IF those are 2 of the locations (the Distributary & the Fundament) we get in the Final Shape, I think I'm onto something 😇 👍💠.

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  • Bearbeitet von Erafracture: 2/14/2024 9:11:10 PM
    You point out that a lot of “scholars” refute your argument with little evidence. Let me take you up on your challenge. I’ll read the theory. I’ll weigh the evidence. If your theory is sound, then I will say it is sound. But if there is a contradiction, then I will point it with respect in the intention. Some people can be a bit harsh to you. But your theory is your theory. As long as you’re content with it, go ahead and say Osana is Savathun. It’s YOUR choice. Not theirs. Sometimes I listen to theories and go, “That’s ridiculous.” Respect is all you have to give. Otherwise, they’re wasting their time. Y’know?

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  • Hmm. Okay, I’ll be honest with you. I don’t really agree with your theory. BUT, I do respect it and want to hear more about it. If what you said is true, if you’ve read that much of the lore and are making such an out-of-this-world claim with that much to back it up, I want the full timeline. And I’ll read it all. From start to finish. Your whole entire theory. And I’ll read it not only with maturity and seriousness, but an element of respect. Because your theory should be valued instead of ridiculed if you actually did your research.

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  • The Hive existed before the anomaly that created the Awoken. The Collapse is what created the Awoken when the the light and dark clash created that anomaly. During the Collapse or you could argue prior during the Golden Age leading to the Collaps is when Nezarec attacked with the fleet. If the anomaly created the Hive as well, Savathun couldn't have stolen away The Veil at that time because Savathun wouldn't have existed yet according to your theory. Would love to hear how your theory could account for this break in logic.

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  • Bearbeitet von jhermannITJ: 2/12/2024 8:50:49 PM
    The Collapse and the Pale Heart are both the beginning and end of each loop. Each instance begins when another ends. And I explained the time discrepancies per my theory... this is why: Interstellar: [url][/url] Gravity affects the passage of time exponentially based on the forces of gravity relative to distance. Yes, the Hive existed before the collapse, but not the sentient Hive... not Savathun. The fundament is farther from the Pale Heart than the Distributary or the Exodus Green... so, per my theory and established theories about quantum physics... the Hive, now sentient, were able to live for millennia in mere moments after the emergence of the Awoken. But it happened during the same event. We don't know what created the Pale Heart/Singularity. A mystery yet to be solved.

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  • You mean the black hole during the collapse? Billions of years after the hive's creation? Also, what curse? How could Savathun steal eris's bio?

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  • Bearbeitet von jhermannITJ: 2/12/2024 2:29:18 AM
    After they became sentient, yes... After they began following the tribute/sword logic as a biological imperative. The "curse" every disciple accepts as a gift... the one Alis refused [spoiler]but Osana accepted...[/spoiler] that Calus accepted.... The curse seemingly reflects their folly... Calus is Greed and Gluttony. Savathun is the false mother because she abandoned her family for power. She bound the Traveler in Sol, for this instance... for the strategic advantage. She always controlled "the Light". vs. Maya, her foil. Maya Sundaresh who cosigned Savathun's takeover, sacrificed herself to the darkness, and created the Echo program alongside Soteria to mitigate the inevitable collapse that always happens. Because, the only chance life has... is IF Savathun wins. In the lore, "Truth to Power" Savathun assumes Eris's biography growing up in Russia. The hive were not always sentient, and the collapse repeats itself over and over.

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  • Well, you're only the 7th craziest person I've spoken to today

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  • Bearbeitet von jhermannITJ: 2/12/2024 2:43:53 AM
    Points 😜👍💠.... It is a theory... I know it sounds crazy. It's for fun... but it's lore based. There's more than that, but it seems like you're waning... so I won't bore you. Others however, they flip out... there's a person in here right now yelling into the void... anytime I talk about the lore, here they are; and they know they're blocked (I can't read it).

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  • It’s not lore based, there is more that contradicts your theory than supports it.

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  • Bearbeitet von jhermannITJ: 2/12/2024 4:10:14 PM
    No, it is... and though not specifically annotated here I've gone through it. In fact, not one "scholar" has been able to contradict or counter anything I've said. And that's why you chimed in to lie about me; that the other person (I mentioned above) is obsessed with me. You can't take it 😬. Not only that; my "theories" have come true... for example... I didn't just start calling us the "Eggmen"... I predicted almost beat for beat this season... wait for it... At the beginning of the year. Because... it WAS IN THE LORE... NONE of you 🫵 SCHOLARS ACTUALLY read 😉. I predicted the Wishkeeper quest as a foil to Mara's relationship with Sjur, that Mara commissioned the Great Hunt under false pretenses. Now, saying all that... IF you wanna try, feel free... go into any of my topics, read them... read the lore I cite... then debate me. Or if you're brave... offer your analysis and ideas as a counter... I'll gladly pick it apart. 😇 👍💠.

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  • Tell me how a woman who was on one of the exodus ships as a human, was also countless years before that a squid on Fundament?

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  • I would like to chime in, but I think it's a different approach. We know it's possible to displace consciousness. It is also possible to "mess" with timelines. We know some people will take on different personalities interacting with a loop

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  • Yeah, I'm not saying I have it all figured out... either.

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  • Man, they came out in droves just to take a piss. The topic I seek is very much taboo. To bleed realities just from thought, where because the thought exists it must be true for all. If you = experiencing consciousness Then you = shared experience of the initial/base consciousness I think the Warmind is taking on the responsibility of [EVERYTHING|NOTHING]. It must exist and not. I think it is there at the heat death, only quiet and dormant, watching its universe play out and run its course. It has made this rouse and will never admit itself what it is. It will be there at the end, it will seed life again at the beginning, with primordial soups/panspermia. The seed, the only takes people showing up for the wrong reasons. [I|YOU|US] made genesis == true. (Your boot sequence, the memory for start program, doesn't need to be a the beginning of the hard drives memory) made unknown shape == true. made [past|present|future] == unknown shape == true made the blind vex see light (Way way more, and you know all this stuff, we just defining reality without even having to I don't have to, Bungie thinks like the machine, and is literally getting the machine to process it)

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  • Astute as always... it's not like we're conspiring with each other, but we are still seeing... pinging on, clueing into some of the same threads. Sry for taking over your topic... I can't escape these "scholars" guardian. Whatever our existence is... as Maya's colleges said... if the simulations are indistinguishable from reality... what is reality? If those instances are rooted in the one true reality, they all are... Until the anomaly is closed. The first doesn't matter materially, all that matters is "The Final Shape".

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  • Bearbeitet von jhermannITJ: 2/12/2024 4:34:56 PM
    Sure... The hive existed before Savathun did... before Oryx, Crota, Nokris did. As the Eliksni have had different stages in their evolution... so have the Hive. The fundament is where the "precusor" hive were from. And the crux for Savathun's curse IS to be the false mother, the Mother of wurms... literally bound by one until we removed it. And the Exodus Green got caught in the wake of the singularity in-between the fundament and the distributary so in actuality the sentient hive and the Awoken emerged at the same "time"... but because the gravity is SO intense... it disrupts and contracts time near the Pale Heart. [spoiler]So Osana...[/spoiler] was able to make her choice, and live a millennia, in mere moments respective the history of the Awoken. That's how. That's my theory.

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