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Bearbeitet von God: 1/3/2024 5:27:48 AM

Experienced player looking for a clan.

21. I'm an experienced Destiny 2 player and I'm chill. I've played since pre-Forsaken and before that I played Destiny 1 extensively (maxed out 3 classes). I pretty much only play Warlock, but I know how to play other classes as well. My main is 1804 and I am looking to do endgame content again (mostly raids).

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Gesamtes Thema ansehen
  • Night Guardians Delight is a newer, small clan looking to grow.  We have a wide range of ages and interests.  We love doing [b]all[/b] game activities (a couple of us even have a friendly competition going)!  Come join us!! We are the Night Guardians.  Protectors of humanity while others rest. We are a place to go call home, a haven, a place of fellow protectors.  Come join us in the battle against Darkness!  Let's triumph together against the Witness and other followers of the Dark. ☠️🌠We are the Night Guardians🌠☠️ P.s. We have coffee, Monster and cookies :)

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