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Bearbeitet von uwu: 12/29/2023 8:30:35 PM

Please give Broodweavers access to Woven Mail by exiting Weavewalk

Broodweaver is the only Strand subclass lacking an aspect or exotic that grants Woven Mail. Weavewalk - being the aspect intended for survivability - is the best fit for this. It is currently vastly underperforming, as is the Broodweaver generally compared to the other Strand subclasses. I don't care for the excessive damage reduction it grants and would immediately trade a chunk of DR for more active survivability in the form of 10 seconds of Woven Mail upon exiting Weavewalk.

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  • Bearbeitet von uwu: 12/29/2023 8:40:27 PM
    Also by the way, The Wanderer aspect is currently bugged and makes Tangles deal ~80% less damage when thrown. Its another underperforming Broodweaver aspect and I think granting it significantly reduced Tangle cooldown (to the tune of 0 to 5 seconds) would help it out a lot and actually make Strandlock feel like the summoner subclass.

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    12 Antworten
    • Bearbeitet von GPrime96: 12/30/2023 4:41:27 PM
      And you know what’s messed up? The same time Weavewalk was released, they also brought in Banner of War. Passive healing, massive Melee Damage, Sword Damage buff, and you can combine it with a Aspect for very easy Woven Mail acquisition, and the timer extends when your teammates are also getting the kills. Meanwhile Weavewalk, invisibility, DR inside of the Invisibility only (because why not ignore logic😑), passive Threadling gain but use up your Melee energy and you have three of them (if you made a Broodweaver Build, you would know how slow the Melee Regen can be). The way out if your class ability but by the time you want to get out, you want to be away from the enemies so you’re not instantly shredded.

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    • why not ask to add a nuke effect so you deal 1000 mil damage when you exit weavewalk

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      1 Antworten
      • I agree that Weavewalk needs to offer something else, if it is going to remain a 1-Slot Aspect. I think it would need to be stricter than simply entering and exiting it to grant Woven Mail, though; it would generate a lot of complaints in PvP that you could get Woven Mail for a quarter of a melee charge and effectively have it for every fight. Needing to expend a full charge would work, and I don't think it's unreasonable in PvE given Monte Carlo, Pugilist and Thread of Fury.

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