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Destiny 2

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Bearbeitet von Seiryoku: 12/19/2023 12:46:52 AM

New and Returning Player Difficulty

Some players can't get good cause their stat distributions suck and their builds are uninspired. [b]Stats, mods, and perks play a huge role in how your Guardian behaves and interacts with their world[/b]. You don't have to use [i]cheese[/i] to win, but it helps to be literate. Perhaps this can be seen when onboarding New Lights in an amazing, new, [u]never to be removed[/u] campaign, or just an opportunity to change [i]in a short time[/i]. We can have premade armor sets with [b][u]SPECIFIC SPIKEY STAT DISTRIBUTION[/u][/b] obtained through a small adventure or [b]SHORT[/b] quest. To be outfitted with a taste of what focusing on a play style does. Not triple 100s, just clear definitive spikes without useless stats. Doesn't have to be Artifice. It shouldn't be. Just... Something for PvE for your class. Something for PvP focused. Sets should be selectable and have menu descriptions similar to hovering over characters stats to see if I, perhaps an inexperienced Guardian, favor melee [Str], or class ability, or grenade [Dis]. Also have a [i]suggested[/i] [b]Resilience[/b] Tier posted [u]FOR ALL ACTIVITIES[/u] going forward for players that convince themselves everything is too hard now. You could even have Ghost mention the need for heavier armor for this Op. [b]PLEASE COMMENT BELOW ON HOW YOU WOULD IMPROVE ON THIS IDEA OR HOW YOU TAKE OFFENSE. [/b]

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  • [quote]PLEASE COMMENT BELOW ON HOW YOU WOULD IMPROVE ON THIS IDEA OR HOW YOU TAKE OFFENSE.[/quote] It doesn't matter anymore, this business screwed things up by removing half the game's content only to replace it with their work that is nothing to brag about. Who the -blam!- removes a campaign in gaming? That is one of the dumbest things I have ever seen in history, and that alone shows how idiotic this entire business is.

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  • I do think it is a bit surprising there hasn't been much in the way of armour crafting at this point. I love the distribution I have on my titan, which is: 30 mobility 100 res 80 recovery 40 dis 70 int 50 str I'm not on the game right now, so this is a little inaccurate, but regardless I used that funny third party tool for building the stats I wanted. I think the problem with that is, while I'm perfectly adequate at adding numbers together, there isn't really a streamlined in-game stat distributor, so you can't account for wasted stats, or whether or not the armour is masterworked, for example. A great deal of my vault space consists of just random 60+ stat Titan armour when I was trying to get what I wanted, and since I may return to change this, I haven't deleted it. The closest we got to this idea was that incandescent armour from solstice, but I didn't take much advantage of it since I was already happy with mine. The ghost mods that guarantee +10 in a desired stat might help. They're a bit deceiving though; I forget exactly how I used them but if I remember correctly you actually want to put the stat guarantee that you [i]aren't[/i] looking for, because of the way the stat pools work. In general though, I think at least some form of armour crafting should be implemented. This would also open up some opportunities for deepsight on artiface and raid perk sets.

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    • Overtime, you realize that build stats only make you 10% better. Many holes in your stat build can be overcome through subclass fragments, abilities and weapon perks. I haven never bothered to chase the perfect 3 x100s. The meta changes every time and is exhausting to follow. Newbies have no problem with the stat builds. Sure new lights start with sub 40 gear, but they'll eventually get into 60+ gear. It doesnt take as long as you think. The struggle is what engages the players to learn the system.

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      • To me, a new light should be given a coherent reason for why he is “THE Guardian”, and what the purpose of play is. Before this miserable excuse for a new guardian quest came in, there were whole story campaigns enabling you to live the story from waking up on the cosmodrome to current events. It was a full and rich lore experienced by the player and built upon by expansions. Now? After vaulting most of the early story and starting seasonal play, its a disjointed, fragmented mess of activities for no reason. Half the time a new player will be asking why am I doing this again? Add to that the story and activities lost by the removal of old seasonal material and its a confused mess.

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        • Stat distribution should have a bit more flexibility. I’d like to see players given the choice using sliders to allocate stat distribution. Even if this was done for a cost I’m sure Eva could do with the trade.

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        • Being that FromSoft games are some of my favorites in existence, I like reading, experimenting, and learning on my own without a tutorial, a streamer, or an IGN guide. Games today can't even go a few minutes without your character saying something like "I should probably check that cave over there" or "I don't think we can go that way right now" cough cough Aloy and Atreus... If you think about it, people who don't ever figure out a game's mechanics have a harder time at the game and in turn get much better at it than people always using the cheese and metas. Just like people looking for more challenge limit themselves in loadout, mods, armor, or whatever the game uses.

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        • Any player who pays for the season can get high stats armor/build within hours just running seasonal activities, looting engrams and focusing them at the seasonal vendor.

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          • This sitting at 0 makes sense. The current community does not want advice or anything helpful.

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            • Bearbeitet von Kiro - 13: 12/19/2023 3:25:39 AM
              So whats the description for mobility when you select warlock or titan? A worthless stat that makes you move slower the more you have. Not that the hunter description would be any better. Excluding that minor caveat I think a quest chain for one piece of armor per quest that is focused however the player likes. IE "City Armor step 2 of 5: Speak with Ada-1 & collect a chest piece with a focused stat." With 6 options one for each stat. Make it kill 50 dregs to collect their armor scraps or some other arbitrary thing.

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              9 Antworten
              • If you're down voting, can you explain your reasoning?

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                • I don't disagree with how s*Itty the new light experience is. However, there's also what seems like a lot of instant gratification feet stomping around here too. "I want what I want when I want it!" Like it's too much to ask to know that good gear comes with time, skill comes with practice, and that it pays to have a little patience. Read a post the other day here that said to the effect of, "played Coil for the first time and died to a trap. If you don't take them out of the game, I won't play it again. " Ridiculous mentality. I'm all for helping someone if they actually want to learn and understand they have to work towards something, but a lot of what I see here have the expectation to beat something first try and get their "god roll" immediately.

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                  • I do like this, you get one set of armor with exactly one spike in the desired stat, by a tutorial explaining Ghost focus mods. For example, have a selection of the 6 stats explaining in simple terms what they do, and selecting the "Strength" focus mod will give you a set that is high in all Strength. Then the next screen tells you further details that you can get double 100s easily with farming and with lots of work and luck you can get triple 100s. When I first started in 2019, I thought it was best to have even stats on each armor piece so I could have a 5 in each stat and one spike in the desired stat to 10. Made sense at the time so no stat was "weak," obviously this is wrong but without the knowledge of how it works it won't be as obvious. Also on the topic, I feel like a fixed loadout would be good for learning things like PvP before you get thrown into the insane amount of options available to tone down on the choice paralysis.

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                    • Having some new opening quests, that could lead to armor sets as rewards, that had stats in an area you the player cared about, would be fun. Like maybe as a reward you could pick from say 3 sets. Each would have a high stat in class ability. Otherwise you have to pick from one with high strength, high discipline, or high intellect- depending on your play style you could pick the one you wanted. I also agree with you, there should be some more “New Light” main quests. Something that is set up to give you a chance to find out what your play style is. Do you want to focus on using your super, grenades or melee and so on. That way you might understand how to build into your armor more. I would also like to see armor crafting. Both: being able to change, to a degree, what the armor looks like, but maybe also move stats around, or make a build with certain stats being higher. An example: you get cool armor but it has high mobility. Maybe you’re a warlock and don’t need high mobility. If you unlock it and craft it, during crafting maybe you could knock off 5 points on that high mobility line, and place those 5 in something else. If you masterwork it and get it to a certain level, like weapon, you could move two stats around or something similar. The one area I disagree with you: activities shouldn’t have a resilience gate. Players have to learn the system and know how to build into their character. Make it so they can function and survive in whatever game mode they are going into. Anyways, good post.

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