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Destiny 2

Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny 2 zu tun hat.
10/1/2023 1:56:33 PM

10/1/2023 I am still stuck in an empty server and can't join fire teams or talk to anyone it isn't just me everyone I know who has the game is stuck in empty servers how to we fix this?

10/1/2023 I am still stuck in an empty server and can't join fire teams or talk to anyone it isn't just me everyone I know who has the game is stuck in empty servers how to we fix this? I just spent 150.00 bucks on this game and over night it became unplayable whats going on? When will it be fixed?

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  • Is your date and time correct on your system/PC? If not this could cause you to only play alone. Are you playing on old hardware? This might hinder your gaming experience. Not sure if it would be related to playing with others. Is your NAT settings set to “open”? If this setting is anything other than open you will most likely play alone.

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