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ursprünglich gepostet in: Regarding Checkmate-Mode in Crucible labs
9/30/2023 5:29:17 AM
I disagree. Checkmate does not need any more ability regen or super regen 1 super per game if you're playing well is how it should be. Well and Bubble are still problems, though Also, weighting captures more than kills will not end well. It will just cause players to run around capping, constantly flipping spawns and not actually trying to control parts of the map.

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  • [quote]Also, weighting captures more than kills will not end well. It will just cause players to run around capping, constantly flipping spawns and not actually trying to control parts of the map.[/quote] Ok, here is my brilliant response. If the enemy is trying to spawn flip or constantly rush zones... Just defend your zones? It's not rocket science. "Camping" is a gamer slang term, but a totally legit combat strategy. If you can hold 2 zones and let the enemy come to you, you fight at the advantage of terrain and position. It's the opponents difficulty to break your defense for those zones if they want more than 1.

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  • This is what is happening more often than not right now. If you give more incentive to constantly cap, people will no doubt go out of their way for that triple cap as often as possible for that extra ammo. They'll then give up the side of the map already held and, therefore, the spawns and held zones.

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  • Which in return favors the enemy with better spawns that can be less controlled by the opposing team. Resulting in matches actually being fluent instead of "hold choke point, farm kills". You know, like Control is actually meant to be played. As a Dynamic Zone Capture Mode. Not a "Team Deathmatch with Zones as point multipliers". After all, the entire idea of Control is to battle over zones. Not cap zones once or twice a match and then just hunt for kills.

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