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9/24/2023 10:53:07 AM

Constant server issues remain

I continually still get kicked with bee error codes and I’m constantly having to deal with contacting destiny 2 servers, please fix the servers. It should be the priority right now.

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  • Just so I have this right. I’m getting back into the game after 4 years of being away. You’re having an issue which is beyond your control which is totally fine. You can’t keep hackers from spoiling our fun and we all have to accept that. But you’re telling me that normally you wouldn’t inform us and instead give us trouble shooting ideas that would eat up time we could be doing anything else with but instead are trying to fix something that isn’t on our end and you know it won’t help but you’d let us continue believing it is our issues to deal with….. Do you realize how messed up that is? I’m really regretting buying the future DLC already.

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