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7/20/2023 12:32:32 AM

Striker Titan nerfs are premature

Acknowledging the obvious: Yes, Striker Titan is objectively the strongest and most popular Titan PvP subclass by far. But excluding any issues with prior nerf hammers taken to the other Titan subclasses, it is also currently buffed majorly by this Season's artifact mods. 20 seconds of Amplified + free DR + Lightning Strikes Twice and others are all extremely powerful, albeit temporary buffs that will expire after this Season ends. Just like Classy Restoration was a major Hunter buff, these temporary Seasonal Artifact Mods are skewing the true, baseline performance of Striker (and all Arc subclasses in general, as they did with Gunslinger), and IMO, Bungie should wait until the middle of next Season to analyze post-S21 Striker and see if it is still disproportionately played before taking any drastic actions as they just did with Behemoth.

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  • Bearbeitet von Bore: 7/20/2023 12:54:07 AM
    [quote]Acknowledging the obvious: Yes, Striker Titan is objectively the strongest and most popular Titan PvP subclass by far. But excluding any issues with prior nerf hammers taken to the other Titan subclasses, it is also currently buffed majorly by this Season's artifact mods. 20 seconds of Amplified + free DR + Lightning Strikes Twice and others are all extremely powerful, albeit temporary buffs that will expire after this Season ends. Just like Classy Restoration was a major Hunter buff, these temporary Seasonal Artifact Mods are skewing the true, baseline performance of Striker (and all Arc subclasses in general, as they did with Gunslinger), and IMO, Bungie should wait until the middle of next Season to analyze post-S21 Striker and see if it is still disproportionately played before taking any drastic actions as they just did with Behemoth.[/quote] I mean it was on top for last season too and a good a portion of the season before that. I will say that it’s good in a boring way, so I don’t care either way if it’s nerfed or not, I’m not using it either way. Not really playing much PvP either though, lol.

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    4 Antworten
    • 🤔 They have been op since the launch of arc 3.0 was introduced. The leading class/subclass for flawless players by a mile. It is not the artifact mods. It is an exotic leg armor combined with the subclass build plus d-sync melee lunges Overshield for sprinting, reflecting damage overshield for sliding then d-sync yourself past any damage from anyone. IF bungie can fix it without killing it will be the interesting part.

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      2 Antworten
      • What about the seasons prior to this one?

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