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7/16/2023 9:15:49 PM

Ran LW Forever Fight Challenge, 3 people got the triumph but I didnt?

I ran the Forever fight Morgeth encounter challenge with my clan, and 4 of us needed it including me. After getting it done, 3 people got the triumph but I didnt? I never left, or anything, they just got it and I didnt. The only differences between me and the other 3 is that im on PC and they're on PS. I did complete LW on that character already this week, but I got the extra rewards from completing the challenge? Any help is much appreciated.

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  • The Last Wish Challenges have been bugged for years Challenge 3 can be active, but does not have to be, Challenge 1, 2, 4 or 5 can also be active Challenge 3 was active for your mates, one of the others is then active for you This can also vary from character to character So that on your first character challenge 1 is active, on your second character challenge 5 is active and on your third character challenge 3 is active, just as an example So just do each challenge until all of you got the extra loot, if all of you got the extra loot you can ignore the rest of the challenges

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