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Bearbeitet von SMASH: 9/3/2023 9:29:24 AM

so many fakes smh alt

Gurzil • [PVE Clan] + [Community] • [Looking For Chill Active Members]

[b]About The Clan[/b] [b][i]Gurzil[/i][/b] is a place for members to join and learn about the game, and can always rely on members being active and there to help. We are a heavy PVE focused clan. We want new and experienced members to join up so we can build a family that you and others can always count on for content/raids/gm's and more. [b]How To Join The Clan[/b] [i]Must join the discord first :> [url=] Gurzil Discord[/url] do what the discord says to get into the clan・ Clan Page :> [url=] Gurzil Clan Page[/url][/i] [i]not joining the discord, filling out the clan forum = your bungie clan invite get denied [/i] [b]Requirements[/b] ・Be active, On Game and Discord... Inactive members get removed. ・Must have a microphone, We use in game chat for content runs or discord.. ・Must be 18+ [b]Type of D2 Gamers Looking For[/b] ・Be Lightlevel 17**+ ・Be willing to learn ・Be willing to help people ・Knowing raids/dungeons (is damn helpful when we do content) - Tho we do teach this content. ・If love to Sherpa Raids/Dungeons (we would love to have you) [b]What We Expect From You[/b] ・Be Nice ・Be Respectful ・Don't get mad if we are teaching raids/content and wipes happen. ・Excellent sense of humor [b]What To Expect From Gurzil[/b] ・Fully loaded discord ・Family that will help with content runs, When you ask. ・Teaching you content, Dungeons or Raids ・Supportive clan

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  • Really welcoming Clan that's very helpful and the members are open to helping new players get through more difficult game modes To any guardian who's in need of a clan I highly recommend this clan

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    Benimm dich. Nimm dir eine Minute, um dir unsere Verhaltensregeln durchzulesen, bevor du den Beitrag abschickst. Abbrechen Bearbeiten Einsatztrupp erstellen Posten

  • This is one of the best clans to be in. Daily quests/pinnacles/dungeons/raids together alongside with setting up of raids on specific dates. The discord community of the clan is well set up with so many automated bots, useful information, daily updates, raid/dungeon/quest guides and sooo much other information as well. Apart from all the information, the players are always active as per their timezones (which covers almost all the timezones) and ready to do activities together. 10/10 recommend joining this clan! - axetacular

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  • Greetings potential Gurzil clan member! We have a very active group of players here! Every day someone is doing something. Everyone helps everyone. I've been in discords groups where certain people stick to their group of people within the clan, but this group is not like that! We have some very knowledgeable people in our group that are willing to help with anything! Discord is loaded with information and updates about the game. Including guides among other helpful information. We have members from all over the world so don't hesitate to post for help! Someone may be up close to your timezone! If you need help with something don't be afraid to ask! Raiding….. This group goes insane with the raids. I see raids going 2-3 times a week sometimes. Solid group of gamers. Join up and find some battle buddies and have some fun!

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