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6/11/2023 8:41:41 PM

Can't Claim Prime Gaming Rewards

I'm trying to claim the bundle for this month on Prime Gaming but I seem to be caught in a link account loop. Every time I try to link it to my Steam/Bungie account it has me log in. Then after I've done that it takes me back to the Destiny page to link my account again. I have claimed items from Prime Gaming before with no problem.

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  • 1
    I have the exact same issue, but with Xbox. I try to collect the bundle and it says I need to link my bungie account, I click link and it just takes me back to the bundle page. I've tried unlinking and re-linking, deleting cache, etc. but nothing has worked. I already have my account linked, and I've successfully claimed other rewards before this one as well.

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    Benimm dich. Nimm dir eine Minute, um dir unsere Verhaltensregeln durchzulesen, bevor du den Beitrag abschickst. Abbrechen Bearbeiten Einsatztrupp erstellen Posten

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