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Destiny 2

Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny 2 zu tun hat.
6/23/2023 1:37:48 AM

Weapon Perk Feedback

So I've played Destiny from the very beginning although I may have missed the alpha, I think I played the beta though, it's been a long time. This post is not specifically about the weapon perks but more on how they are presented on the weapons. In Destiny 1 (D1), the perk layout on each weapon was very different to how Destiny 2 (D2) presents them, even as D1 evolved into Age of Triumph. There was and still is a very noticeable difference of perk layouts in D2 coming from D1, which I suppose people will like or dislike it, either way it's respectable. If you've played D2 from the start, you know how static and most of the time boring the perks were, obviously with meta weapons because of that. Remember Better Devils? Play of the Game? Yeah you get it. Anyway, with the reintroduction of random perk rolls that came with Forsaken, the game really did get a great breath of fresh air and most people I assume were joyed about it. Now though, even as we get new weapons very often, and very generously, as well as new perks with them most of the time. It's getting to the point, to me at least, that the weapons are becoming boring, or perhaps very same-y, and I think that is almost solely because of the way the perks are presented on the weapons. The layout is very simple, and very boring, to me at least, and this is where I'd like to give my feedback on it. Typically the layout on a weapon is- Barrel // Magazine or Ammunition // Perk 1 // Perk 2 - with sometimes having a choice of two perks for Perk 1. Simple, and again boring. Unlike the D1 perk layout that varied on what weapon it was. Above I added a link of my D1 vault via DIM, showcasing how perks were presented on weapons, and how variable they were, I've had a few weapons that didn't have any notable perks (outlaw, rampage etc...) but allowed me three separate stability perks, or utility perks, and that made those weapons feel very unique, because there was simply more perk combinations to have rolled. I think adding back some of those utility-esque perks (along with sights/scopes!!!) to the weapon pools on top of changing up the layout of the perks would be another great breath of fresh air to the game and allow people to feel a little more attached- or appreciate the uniqueness of the weapons that roll perks that they enjoy using. Now I know that some people like the simplicity of the current system, or maybe think something like, 'oh but I don't want to have to grind forever to get the perfect perks on the weapon I like!', and I get that 100%, I really do, but with the addition of crafting weapons, I'd say a big chunk of people that don't want to do that grind, gravitate towards the weapons that have crafting anyway. If I were to try to argue my point as well, I'd just say that the journey is a lot more fun than the destination, 9/10 times at least (for videogames sake), also, you may end up enjoying a bizarre combination of perks you've never tried, simply because it's never been rolled, how did you end up liking your favorite gun in the first place? Was it the perks? Looks? Firing sound? I think I got my point across and at the risk of being repetitive I'll stop my post here. Thanks for reading, I would like to hear what you all think and I hope this finds Bungie well, because as much as I love the game, I think [i]some[/i] things were done better in D1. (and forgive any typos I may have made!)

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