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Bearbeitet von Phondyl: 6/18/2023 8:18:29 PM
Fr. This dungeon is ridiculous. As someone who has solo flawlessed all the dungeons (except this one), I'm not looking forward to it. I'd rather solo flawless all the other dungeons again than go through this new one. Also, hot swapping to arbalest seems to be the play for this dungeon, but good luck keeping all that heavy ammo once you swap.

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  • I called it at Spire of the Watcher. Duality was already pushing it for me and I solo'd but didn't get flawless cause bugs. If you look at the health on these bosses, Duality was the beginning of a bad pattern. Gahlran already has way too much health for the amount of crap you need to do to extend your DPS phase on him. Cheesy strats aside, his health is beyond ridiculous. Caitl is just as bad, you can lose an entire damage phase and that never feels good. Spire I tried a few times and got to the first boss, got yeeted off the side of the map cause of the boop mechanic or fell through the floor, etc and called it there. The first boss alone once again has way too much health for the little time you have to DPS. The issue is that these new dungeons are scaled purely for 3 players in mind. Sure they're completely solo-able, but they're boring at best. Enemy health in 3 player content has been power crept way too hard to the point you're looking at RAID BOSS amounts of HP.

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  • They got more health because we pump out more DPS. My first dps phases in Spire sucked until I figured out my loadout and really started paying attention to armour charges.

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  • I tried this with my clan mates yesterday. Worked really well. I was also running double special, so there was heavy ammo all over the entire arena for me. Definitely would be harder solo

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