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ursprünglich gepostet in: Happy to not be chasing a new Power Level
6/14/2023 10:37:10 PM
I for one find it boring. Nothing to do. No point to log on.

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  • im 50/50 with this, as i still play the game and do stuff, but dont feel incline to log on each day, so to me i like the feeling of still being able to do end game content without having to focus all my effort onto d2, but its quite boring since you dont have to grind anything on d2

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  • [quote]I for one find it boring. Nothing to do. No point to log on.[/quote] This. I'm sure the fanboys will argue, but no one cares. By not increasing the level cap, there's nothing to "chase," this season beyond more of the same old crap.

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  • 👆

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  • absolutely agree, although artificial at least it was something to i just think whats the point in doing the same thing hundreds of thousands of times for........nothing

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  • An eye opener on how empty the game is if not padded thick with grind

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  • Farm for materials to level up character, then use character to farm weapon levels to get to the next power level. Sounds like a certain 3rd person space shooter... 🤔

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  • Are you really that obsessed with Warframe? As a looter shooter, having nothing to do shows there's something wrong with the game especially loot if people don't bother chasing it

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  • You criticize Destiny because of grind, yet Warframe is literally nicknamed "Warfarm." Your double standards are exhausting make you look stupid.

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  • Are you really obsessed with Warframe to come with clouded mind bringing Warframe despite not being mentioned? I'm just saying destiny is empty if not padded thick with grind and it shows with people saying there's nothing to do when there's no power grind and pinnacle

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  • The people saying there isn't anything to do are usually players that don't play endgame or are bad at it, so it's basically just whining.

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  • How long will endgame last? That's basically one mode you will do on repeat so you'll eventually run out of things to get or patience to do it on repeat. I've said it before the loot in this game is lacking at lack of motivation to play without chasing power level is the proof. A looter shooter game should be able to last long with loot alone

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  • Bearbeitet von Sarcastreaux: 6/18/2023 5:28:55 AM
    Endgame consists of GM nightfalls, raids, dungeons, legend exotic missions, weekly story missions, Trials, comp. There is plenty to do and plenty of loot. The thing is, people actually need to have thumbs to complete these activities and receive the loot. Sure, people can get bored of doing the above listed activities repeatedly over time, that's perfectly normal. There are other games to play, and recommend playing them, but that doesn't mean this one is empty.

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  • [quote]GM nightfalls[/quote] Isn't GM basically nightfalls but with even bigger power disadvantage as "difficulty"? [quote]raids[/quote] Or something called as "group activity" that you better have a tight group or don't bother [quote]dungeons[/quote] How interesting are they? [quote]legend exotic missions[/quote] And what is the main motivation other than getting the exotic? [quote]weekly story missions[/quote] You mean seasonal missions where you get a ten minutes story for a week then off to nothing? [quote]Trials, comp[/quote] PvP with not so good server and balance so I'm not holding my breath for that [quote]Sure, people can get bored of doing the above listed activities repeatedly over time, that's perfectly normal[/quote] That's where the loot comes in, making each gear interesting to chase and use instead of this current copy-paste weapon with nearly nothing special where all weapons of the same archetype have the same damage and fire rate. They need to take notes from borderlands on how to make loot

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  • Bearbeitet von Sarcastreaux: 6/18/2023 6:08:53 AM
    GM nightfalls are the most difficult version of the strikes. Being at a power disadvantage is unquestionably more difficult. Raids are a group activity, that doesn't change the fact that it is endgame. A group doesn't necessarily need to be "tight", that's why sherpas exist. Isn't it subjective how engaging a dungeon is? I find some dungeons better than others, but still fun. Exotic missions also give pinnacles when completed, which is another incentive to play them. No, I don't mean seasonal missions, I mean Lightfall missions at a higher difficulty, that reward pinnacles and Neomuna weapons, ascendant alloys, etc. Trials and comp are still considered endgame, no matter the matchmaking, or someone's opinion of them. You would know this stuff if you actually played the game. We have talked about the weapons in this game several times, yet you continue with the same moronic comparison to Borderlands. I lack the necessary crayons to explain it to you again.

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  • [quote]GM nightfalls are the most difficult version of the strikes. Being at a power disadvantage is unquestionably more difficult[/quote] Then what's the point of power level? [quote]Raids are a group activity, that doesn't change the fact that it is endgame. A group doesn't necessarily need to be "tight", that's why sherpas exist.[/quote] So, all endgame ends in raid as one of it? [quote]Exotic missions also give pinnacles when completed, which is another incentive to play them.[/quote] How often? once a week isn't much of an incentive to keep players [quote]No, I don't mean seasonal missions, I mean Lightfall missions at a higher difficulty, that reward pinnacles and Neomuna weapons, ascendant alloys, etc.[/quote] How often can you run it? [quote]You would know this stuff if you actually played the game.[/quote] I'm not going to waste $40 for that [quote]We have talked about the weapons in this game several times, yet you continue with the same moronic comparison to Borderlands.[/quote] People say loot in destiny sucks so clearly there's something bungie need to improve

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  • Removing power levels and expecting player interactivity to increase is like eating less food and expecting to get bigger. I never understood why they thought it would work. It’s like Bungie reads feedback and decides to act ONLY on the feedback of players that have never sniffed an MMO and become visibly ill at the sight of HAVING to play the game. Like literally, this feedback is “stop making me come back and play the game” and then Bungie’s like “ok, we’ll make sure you’re on par with the top players so you don’t have to play the game, no worries m8”. It’s like they wanted their sales to go down. I don’t understand it.

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  • Chasing power isn’t content. Content is content. One story mission a week that’s the exact same every week is not content. Doing the exact same thing for three months is not content.

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  • This. Literally nothing to do except the seasonal grind. Pinnacle raid LFG is dead, Playlists are dead. Even if they had it, wouldn't matter cuz everything is a fixed light level now.

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  • Playlists have absolutely been hit very hard & I'd love to see internal numbers. MM is very slow, most players I see are brand new, or really bad

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  • Yeah cuz the only people doing them are ones who aren't at cap yet. The grind needs to be reduced in many ways, but power cap wasn't one of them.

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  • [quote]Yeah cuz the only people doing them are ones who aren't at cap yet. The grind needs to be reduced in many ways, but power cap wasn't one of them.[/quote] That’s what the artifact should be used for, grind your power level The old light chase is old, tired, and pointless, you had 2 light chases until this season. Now only one, like it used to be Tired of needing boots but getting chest pieces 3 pinns in a row. You really like that system?

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  • Yeah I always said levelling wasn't the problem, the way levelling was done really badly was the problem. They miss the mark time & again, like people wanted harder content, so they make the base content harder & hurt the average guy & does absolutely nothing to make endgame harder. We'll change levelling. So they just remove it & replace it with nothing.

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  • [quote]Yeah I always said levelling wasn't the problem, the way levelling was done really badly was the problem. They miss the mark time & again, like people wanted harder content, so they make the base content harder & hurt the average guy & does absolutely nothing to make endgame harder. We'll change levelling. So they just remove it & replace it with nothing.[/quote] Yep, the thing is, they more or less fixed it just before Lightfall came out (or at least, it was close as it'd be to fixed). Light level grind was reasonable, artifact grind level was reasonable. D2 was on fire man, everybody was doing GMs and master raids. You could LFGs for anything everyday, player numbers were up. They popped during Lightfall but have been falling ever since. I can do all the hard content, but I'm a sweat, so that's no big deal. However, the casuals I play with flat don't want to, and have stopped playing.

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  • Even I was running master nightfalls, now it's painful doing heros. Poor guys who did adepts have nowhere to go now

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  • Yep, legend nightfalls aren't even worth doing. Master is - 20. Might as well just do GMs at that point. Only 2 of the 4 nightfall difficulties are worth doing.

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