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4/23/2023 1:30:19 AM
We have 5 darkness powers... and maybe.

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  • 5? We currently only have two: Strand and Stasis.

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  • Bearbeitet von jhermannITJ: 4/23/2023 2:31:02 AM
    I think you're right though... you don't stop at 5 or 2, if I'm wrong. I think Solar is getting a healing turret too... Here's why I think you're right: I just heard a rumor Well is going; that makes sense to me... and healing turrets are already in the game, btw. The game is evolving and will demand more coordination and active player upkeep. Thus, healing turrets... stasis turrets... and resonance turrets? will become invaluable assets for players. Those resonance enemy abilities are support abilities; those resonance turrets are team proximity boons from an mmo.

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  • where on earth have you heard that well is going?

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  • Are you sure? Why are they all together now? If we were always going to get 3 each, or that they were always meant to be combined you'd either 'never' separate them, or you'd keep them split. If Light actually existed for us. We never had any light powers... light doesn't create "power"... it creates life. All our "light" powers have ever done is to ensure that a cycle of death and destruction continued to loop... over and over, fueling what we know as 'the tribute' feeding the Witness all the souls, all the energy from those never-ending conflicts across multiple timelines. The Light is a lie. That's why the powers are together now. Thus 5 of 6 😇 👍💠.

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  • This is wrong, as I hate to say. The best way to Define what Light and Dark are is the idea of Creation vs Entropy, and this is best represented through the Sword and Bomb Logic. The Sword is simple. You gain power from killing something powerful because to kill that powerful thing, you must clearly be more powerful. Its equality in its most primal sense, not because something is just as good as another thing, but because anyone can gain power from it, and anyone can become a god with it. The Bomb is complex. It is the idea that you do not need power to become powerful, but instead, creativity. A bomb beats a sword, and the bomb is much more complex. For life to exist, you need both. The complexity to change, and yet the simplicity of power. Evolution was propelled by the light, allowing complexity to become life, yet it was through Darkness that life became what it is. Only the most fit could survive, and through that, the sword logic in its most primal form was born. The light gave advantages, and the Darkness used those advantages. Now, lets get down to the nitty gritty, cause that was simply an interpretation of what the Light and Dark are So we know that the Light holds the Bomb Logic. Power through complexity. and the Darkness holds the Sword Logic. Power through simplicity. This ties into both Creation and Entropy, being that complexity requires an energetic universe to make ever more complex things, and simplicity requires entropy, the reducing of something into its most basic state. This ties into the powers of Light and Dark. Dark is simple. We have Stasis, witch represents Entropy, being the lack of energy, and thus, a more simple form. Ice and Cold are a result. We then Get strand which is a hard one. Strand is shown to be psychic in nature, thus tying into Deepsight. A memory based power of Darkness. This power goes back in time, revealing the past. This power represents entropy being that the flow of time was not as complex as it is now because certain choices have yet to been made. If deepsight, a psychic power can access something from the past, why not look deeper into the the universe, and see that witch connects everything. A truly basic energy, that can manipulate mass. Light is a bit harder. So we can define that light is much more energetic, as represented through Ark and Solar based light. Ark represents the complexity of a Storm, and even the scenario of Lightning itself, witch requires a specific environment to be produced. Solar light represents the most energetic parts of the universe, being the opposite of Stasis, and Void is a tricky one. In the void of space, there is supposedly nothing, but thats where theory becomes fact. It is theorized that space is actually boiling with this energy called Virtual Particles. These particles burst into existence instantly, without cause, but these particles come in pairs, and quickly, this pair comes together, destroying themselves, thus not creating new energy. This is what causes hawking radiation. A pair bursts into existence on the Event Horizon of a Black Hole, but while one escapes the black hole, the other, on the dark side of the Black Hole, gets sucked into it. This particle, no longer with a pair, now needs to exist, and thus, steals a tiny amount of energy from the black hole, and becomes radiation. Hawking Radiation. Void acts in a similar process, converting light energy, into void energy. This is why the Darkness cannot wield something that seems to lack substance by name (void) or in practice. So Light has Complexity, Energy, and the Change of Energy Darkness has Entropy and Memory.

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  • Bearbeitet von jhermannITJ: 4/24/2023 4:07:31 AM
    I like how you break it down... but I'm not wrong. What the Witness emulated in his endless nights mirrors, may even draw upon those sources you describe in great detail, in a well-written response. We actually learned a lot of what you said directly in-game via the jars of energy near Osiris's work area in the Hall of Heroes. Everything you say is correct about the energy types, but we have corrupted versions of those powers. The current shape is a sandglass, and Maya does sit... did sit beneath the tree of life that makes up one half of the mechanism that defines the D2 universe. Holding her "children"... you've must of seen it. And above her... the god of light, from those children... possibly one of her "children". I'm using that term in quotes because it's not literal. She created the Exo, she created the Cloudstriders.... The god of light is connected in some way to Maya Sundaresh, thus Maya really is the lady Madonna of Destiny. There's literally a mural in-game that shows it. I also believe the statue on Venus represents her too... the one in the Lightfall press kit that's trying to give us the halo(nimbus) from off her head. I bet you that's right outside the secret labs where she did all her research.

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  • They’ve been the only thing that has stopped the Dark side from destroying the cosmos so far. I don’t know why killing is viewed as Anti-Light. At what point has the Light been equated with pacifism?

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  • Bearbeitet von jhermannITJ: 4/23/2023 3:55:06 AM
    Not Pacifism, at all... the Light is about virtue, protecting life, respecting life... there's a lot of violence and suffering towards those ends. Maya sacrificed everything for the light... she is the Madonna (not the singer) of Destiny, the mother that sits below the tree of life (tree of silver wings)... one half of the water clock that is the Universe, the current shape is a sandglass. Life and Light on one end... but we've never even seen it until recently. We live in the endless night. It's about motivation, not power... that's what you're missing. We never stopped anything, we've been pawns... same as the Eliksni were, like the disciples were slaves (though we thought they were gods, we know better now). The whole thing is a grand facade. The only thing we did was help Savathun mess up the tribute accelerating the witnesses plans for the final shape.

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  • I want some of whatever you take lol

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