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2/19/2023 5:28:55 AM
Literally the second Titan main I’ve seen use Peacekeepers + Tarrabah complaining about this, look in the mirror GOOFY

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  • bruh whut? it totally need a nerf asap. the energy you gain should be MAX 10%

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  • You have YAS on, take off the crutches first, then I'll care

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  • Don’t run into trip mines then bruh 🤷🏽‍♂️ listen, I get it. It sounds hypocritical and I know I’m no crucible god or whatever but I see stuff like this all the time on here and it’s been driving me crazy. Each class has had and currently has something busted going on ability/exotic wise. If hunters don’t use YAS then they’re prob using invisibility, then people complain still. Same deal with titans switching from Peacekeepers to Dunemarchers prob. Warlocks also prob have some equivalent. People on forums (me included!) have done this same song and dance about other classes about really petty bs for so damn long. This cycle is so tiresome and counterintuitive. I know the forums are rarely ever a vehicle for real change with this game. Even so, I genuinely think if we got over our salt and brought some real feedback on here, maybe pvp wouldn’t be in such an unbearable spot. But that’s just my opinion. I’m gonna keep using YAS just like you’ll prob keep using Peacekeepers who cares

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  • [quote]People on forums (me included!) have done this same song and dance about other classes about really petty bs for so damn long. This cycle is so tiresome and counterintuitive. I know the forums are rarely ever a vehicle for real change with this game. Even so, I genuinely think if we got over our salt and brought some real feedback on here, maybe pvp wouldn’t be in such an unbearable spot. But that’s just my opinion. I’m gonna keep using YAS just like you’ll prob keep using Peacekeepers who cares[/quote] Respect for the calm reply and being real. Honestly, I just need some catharsis and I know nothing good ever results from the forums anyways. Bungie doesn't know we exist and only cares about Twitter and Reddit, so all the complaining here is just to vent. Take it, easy man.👍

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  • Right back at you, man. I know how you’re feeling. Having only ever been flawless twice in this game, I feel I like I’m bashing into a brick wall when I’m having a bad time. Ultimately I’ve learned that a lot of the ability/gunplay annoyances I have are kinda a drop in the bucket compared to some of the core issues with the game. If matchmaking was better, servers were stronger, the core grind more fun/rewarding, etc etc. I genuinely don’t think we’d be in here screaming at each other about armor pieces. Maybe we’d be glad that’s all we had to complain about instead of the amount of weasel errors we get every season launch.

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