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1/29/2023 4:03:23 PM


Join us. We have a close group of gamers but also friends. We enjoy raids and helping with friends, having fun, joking, and just creating a positive and fun environment to game in. SICARI - Sicari is a group of primarily Xbox individuals from various parts of the world who share a love for Destiny. We pride ourselves on being a well rounded clan that can handle any of the end game content be it Trials, Raids, Dungeons or GMS, all while enjoying both the grind and the company of fellow Guardians. With the release of Lightfall coming in just a few weeks we are looking to expand, and build our numbers. We are hoping to find people who are level headed, can have a laugh, and are willing to learn or to teach mechanics, or share knowledge. That said, having a knowledge of the game isn't a requirement. We will also consider someone who is newer to the Destiny scene and eager to learn and become a valuable member of our clan. Interested in joining us? Send me a PM!

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