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Bearbeitet von silver: 1/24/2023 8:33:14 AM

Love is war, love is war, love is warrr...

I just need some clarification. I'm an episode away from finishing Kaguya-Sama: Love Is War. I know that I am kind of late but still. I have been scouring the internet and have seen multiple articles that say Kaguya-Sama: Love is War, is getting a movie. I just need some fellow fans, one or two, to confirm this is true. That this is not fake news to give fake hype to people. For example when rumors were being spread throughout the internet that Gravity Falls was getting a third season or a reboot. Gonna finish this series tomorrow [i]finally[/i]. I'm not able to finish it right now since it's midnight and I can't make my sleep schedule any worse. Ciao

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