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12/9/2022 5:02:27 AM
I get the sentiment, but it's probably for photosensitivity reasons.

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  • [quote]I get the sentiment, but it's probably for photosensitivity reasons.[/quote] Not even an actual issue, lmao

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  • Photosensitivity is 100% an actual issue. I’m sorry that you and plenty of people don’t see it that way. That’s also the actual reason why they lowered the glow on it. Imagine not actually understanding that people do have photosensitivity issues.

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  • Bearbeitet von Bore: 12/9/2022 11:53:20 AM
    [quote]Photosensitivity is 100% an actual issue. I’m sorry that you and plenty of people don’t see it that way. That’s also the actual reason why they lowered the glow on it. Imagine not actually understanding that people do have photosensitivity issues.[/quote] Lower your screen peak brightness. Gambit jade storm was never any brighter than any transmat screen effect, blinding effect or plenty of other effects, it just had more bloom than other glowing shaders.

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  • Yes let’s lower my screen brightness all so people can be a spotlight. I’m sorry but player health is way more important than someone wanting to glow. People shouldn’t have to lower their brightness all because of a shader being to bright. They also changed blinding effects so it’s not as bright and made it so it makes your screen fuzzy. They changed that for the same reason they changed the shader.

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  • [quote]Yes let’s lower my screen brightness all so people can be a spotlight. I’m sorry but player health is way more important than someone wanting to glow. People shouldn’t have to lower their brightness all because of a shader being to bright. They also changed blinding effects so it’s not as bright and made it so it makes your screen fuzzy. They changed that for the same reason they changed the shader.[/quote] The shader was not bright enough to cause issues.

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  • How do you know that? If it wasn’t then please enlighten me on why they lowered the brightness.

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  • [quote]How do you know that? If it wasn’t then please enlighten me on why they lowered the brightness.[/quote] Find a single mention about it from anyone prior to the change. You won’t. The closest you will come is the ghost shell, but that still does the same thing. Now you can easily find posts with hundreds to thousands of upvotes asking for the change to be reverted. It was a bad change.

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  • You still didn’t answer my question. So you clearly don’t know if they actually did change it do to photosensitivity issues. You also clearly don’t understand that it is an actual issue that people have with you saying “not an actual issue”. Can other shader do what Jadestone did? Yeah but the difference is none of them were to the extent of Jadestone. If someone that doesn’t have eye problems was having issues with the shader. Then people that do have eye problems and photosensitivity issues were most likely having a worst time with it. Do you not care that Bungie changed it for player health? The same reason they changed the blinding effects. I personally would rather them change something for the better of player health. You and plenty of people don’t see it that way though which is honestly pretty sad. Even someone that replied to you said he was having issues with it. Yet you brushed him off like he was nothing. All because he didn’t agree with you.

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  • Bearbeitet von Bore: 12/9/2022 3:45:09 PM
    [quote]You still didn’t answer my question. So you clearly don’t know if they actually did change it do to photosensitivity issues. You also clearly don’t understand that it is an actual issue that people have with you saying “not an actual issue”. Can other shader do what Jadestone did? Yeah but the difference is none of them were to the extent of Jadestone. If someone that doesn’t have eye problems was having issues with the shader. Then people that do have eye problems and photosensitivity issues were most likely having a worst time with it. Do you not care that Bungie changed it for player health? The same reason they changed the blinding effects. I personally would rather them change something for the better of player health. You and plenty of people don’t see it that way though which is honestly pretty sad. Even someone that replied to you said he was having issues with it. Yet you brushed him off like he was nothing. All because he didn’t agree with you.[/quote] The change solved literally nothing. It was a fix to a nonexistent fix. Blinding effects are still brighter. Wipe mechanics are still brighter. Transmat effects are still brighter. The list goes on and on. And the person you think replied to me saying they had an issue with the shader was taking about a ghost shell that has not been changed. The ghost still does that. Please try reading. Now again, find any post mentioning it he shader being a problem before the update.

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  • Bearbeitet von Guardian6199: 12/9/2022 3:48:35 PM
    Yes which a lot of them were changed to do photosensitivity issues. Like the blinding effects which they changed for that exact reason. No one batted and eye when they did that for player health. Yet when they touch a shader it’s like a war zone. You clearly don’t care about other people having health issues in video games. You only care about your character glowing which yet again is pretty sad. At the end of they day it’s a shader they changed it because of health issue. If you don’t like the change grow up and move on they aren’t going to revert it. Also just because you didn’t see a post about it being to bright. That doesn’t automatically mean that people weren’t having issues with it lmao. Not everyone that plays this game uses the forums.

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  • [quote]Yes which a lot of them were changed to do photosensitivity issues. Like the blinding effects which they changed for that exact reason. No one batted and eye when they did that for player health. Yet when they touch a shader it’s like a war zone. You clearly don’t care about other people having health issues in video games. You only care about your character glowing which yet again is pretty sad. At the end of they day it’s a shader they changed it because of health issue. If you don’t like the change grow up and move on they aren’t going to revert it.[/quote] No, they are all still brighter than gambit jadestone was. Again, you will not find anyone complaint about jadestone prior to the update. It was a fix to a nonexistent problem.

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  • Bearbeitet von Guardian6199: 12/9/2022 3:53:48 PM
    I’m done arguing about this. You’re only taking one thing I’m saying and arguing about it. You haven’t once talked about me calling you out for you not caring about health related issues that some players may face. So to me that just tells me you actual don’t care at all. So have a good day I’m not arguing about this to someone who doesn’t care about a persons health. Yet would rather them a shader back to how it is. This just shows you that Bungie will not be able to please everyone on the things they do. They changed it for health issues and people still bash them. Which is very sad in general.

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  • [quote]I’m done arguing about this. You’re only taking one thing I’m saying and arguing about it. You haven’t once talked about me calling you out and not caring about health related issues that some players may face. So to me that just tells me you actual don’t care at all. So have a good day I’m not arguing about this to someone who doesn’t care about a persons health.[/quote] No player had an issue with the shader. It was not a problem in the slightest. You claimed someone replied to me having an issue with the shader, but that’s due to your inability to read. The ghost that they mentioned has nothing to do with jadestone. Again, read next time before replying, you seem to struggle with that.

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  • Bearbeitet von Guardian6199: 12/9/2022 3:59:46 PM
    Yet again you do not know if people didn’t have an issue with the shader. This just comes back to you not understanding that people do actually have photosensitivity issues. It’s easier to deduct that some people more than likely did have issues with it then “no one” had issues with it. You out of everyone should know that not everyone uses the forums. So saying “you don’t see a single post about people complaining about the shader”. Is just so mind blowing to me. You saying is pretty much you saying that photosensitivity issues isn’t an actual issue. Which you already said it before. This is the final thing I’m replying to you.

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  • [quote]Yet again you do not know if people didn’t have an issue with the shader. This just comes back to you not understanding that people do actually have photosensitivity issues. It’s easier to deduct that some people more than likely did have issues with then “no one” had issues with it. You out of everyone should know that not everyone uses the forums. So saying “you don’t see a single post about people complaining about the shader”. Is just so mind blowing to me. You saying is pretty much you saying that photosensitivity issues isn’t an actual issue. Which you already said it before. This is the final thing I’m replying to you.[/quote] Find a single post about it then. Doesn’t have to be from the forums. No none was complaining about it anywhere. Again, it was a fix to a nonexistent problem.

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  • You done yet?

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  • [quote]You done yet?[/quote] [quote]This is the final thing I’m replying to you.[/quote] Lmao

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  • You done yet?

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  • Bearbeitet von Bore: 12/9/2022 4:07:43 PM
    [quote]You done yet?[/quote] More empty words. Couldn’t find anyone complaining about the shader, so now you’re just going repeat yourself, lmao.

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  • Not everyone uses the forums just saying. Just because you haven’t seen a post with people complaining about the shader being to bright. Doesn’t actually mean no one complained about it. I’ll say it again you clearly think that photosensitivity issues aren’t actually issues. Now are you done with this argument?

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  • [quote]Not everyone uses the forums just saying. Just because you haven’t seen a post with people complaining about the shader being to bright. Doesn’t actually mean no one complained about it. I’ll say it again you clearly think that photosensitivity issues aren’t actually issues. Now are you done with this argument?[/quote] Forums are not the only place people post… This was already mentioned. Forget to read before replying again?

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  • Yes and not everyone uses Reddit, Twitter, etc. Just because you haven’t seen anyone complaining about it. That doesn’t automatically mean that no one complained about it. Are you actually going to talk about you having this belief that photosensitivity issues isn’t an actual issue?

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  • [quote]Yes and not everyone uses Reddit, Twitter, etc. Just because you haven’t seen anyone complaining about it. That doesn’t automatically mean that no one complained about it. Are you actually going to talk about you having this belief that photosensitivity issues isn’t an actual issue?[/quote] No one complained anywhere about it. It was a nonissue.

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  • Lol just gonna brush what I said off? Not even going to remotely talk about you saying that photosensitivity issues aren’t actual issue? You don’t know if people did actually complain about it. Yet again it’s easy to deduct with people that actually do have photosensitivity problems that people more than likely did complain about it.

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  • [quote]Lol just gonna brush what I said off? Not even going to remotely talk about you saying that photosensitivity issues aren’t actual issue? You don’t know if people did actually complain about it. Yet again it’s easy to deduct with people that actually do have photosensitivity problems that people more than likely did complain about it.[/quote] It wasn’t a photosensitivity problem. Again, please try reading. This has been mentioned multiple times.

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