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9/26/2022 2:19:00 PM

Come join us at Defiance

Hey all! If you’re looking for access to more players for either learning raids, helping out with teaching raids or just to get stuff done, please feel free to join our discord Defiance - all players are welcome to this open community of 200+ guardians. We have a couple of clans within if anyone is interested however, there is absolutely no requirement to join any of our clans! We are crossplay so we have players on multiple platforms across the globe. Send me a dm and I’ll share the link with anyone who wants access 🥳👏🏻

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  • [quote]Hey all! If you’re looking for access to more players for either learning raids, helping out with teaching raids or just to get stuff done, please feel free to join our discord Defiance - all players are welcome to this open community of 200+ guardians. We have a couple of clans within if anyone is interested however, there is absolutely no requirement to join any of our clans! We are crossplay so we have players on multiple platforms across the globe. Send me a dm and I’ll share the link with anyone who wants access 🥳👏🏻[/quote]

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    Benimm dich. Nimm dir eine Minute, um dir unsere Verhaltensregeln durchzulesen, bevor du den Beitrag abschickst. Abbrechen Bearbeiten Einsatztrupp erstellen Posten

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