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Bearbeitet von OniDarkClown: 9/17/2022 3:58:55 AM

CE-34878-0 Lightfall pre-order PS4 Crash

[quote]Hi there, so you probably watched the showcase and got hyped for lightfall, went to pre-order but then noticed that the game was crashing at the connect screen. at first you probably thought; well, they did come out and say if you are experiencing crashing, clear cache, restart platform ect. you tried all the recommended workarounds and found none of them to work, not even rebuilding database or initialising your PS4, then i can tell you the issue has nothing to do with your console, but rather the pre-order itself. here are some links to forums that talk about the issue including one on reddit, where the lead community manager Cozmo has responded: If you don't want to go through the links and just want a basic rundown, here it is: lightfall pre-orders cause the game to constantly crash for some, but not for others, that is until they buy the season of plunder eververse bundle. this all started at day 1 of the new season. I didn't know myself what happened until after the end of day 2, where someone gave me a link to a forum post that explained what was going on, which is the 1st link. Now you are probably wondering, but isn't there a fix? there is one currently: cancel your pre-order and get a refund. I am not joking. people that have this issue didn't get it resolved until after going through the refund process, uninstalling destiny 2, re-install it, restart PS4 and done, issue fixed. some have even tested it i believe by getting a refund and pre-ordering lightfall again, to which the crashing returned. there were also some reports on the posts, very few so far, that this issue is also on Xbox and PC. now if you are thinking, if the issue can be fixed by just getting a refund, why not just do it? well that option only works for those the bought the standard or annual pass version. those who bought the collectors edition and are experiencing the issue have no other option than to wait for Bungie to acknowledge the issue and have it fixed. as stated earlier, the lead community manager, Cozmo, has seen the reddit post and commented with "we will look into it" has given some relief, but there has yet to be an official announcement by Bungie help about the matter. To be fair, Cozmo has a good rep about passing along pressing issues as far as I am aware, but it wasn't until after about four days since the issue first cropped up that there was a form of response. We are currently entering week 2 of the new season and nothing about the matter has been said. I am not a game developer and now that an issue like this probably could take a week or more to fix potentially, but the thing that would put those of us who are affected at ease, if the issue was put on their list of "Known issues" or if the Bungie Help twitter came out and said "we are aware of reports about lightfall pre-orders and seasonal eververse silver bundle is causing crashes mainly on the PS4 platform, with reports of the issue happening on PS5, Xbox one/series X and PC. we are currently investigating the matter and should hopefully deploy a hot fix soon. stay tuned for updates." I don't really care how long it would take to fix the issue, but i would be put at ease if at the very least, they officially addressed it. So there you have it. Pretty much a whole saga. I am still paying attention to any news about the issue on the forums here, a bit on reddit, but mainly Bungie helps twitter. If you are experiencing the issue, do please make a post, upvote the main post that says "bungie the lightfall preorder issue needs to be addressed" and any other post that has the same issue. This will hopefully prompt Bungie to make it a priority fix as the seasonal fixed can be deployed over the course of the season and this issue is one that can be fixed within a few weeks, not months. thank you for your time reading through this and if there is any updates, I'll make a new post or change this one. Until next time Guardians.[/quote] Well bungie. Going on Week 4 of this issue. I wish I never entered that damn pre-order code. And that I resisted the lures of the collector's edition. At least then I could get a refund and be able to play still. So. I can do nothing but wait.

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  • (Posted multiple places) So SOMETHING is being tried? I try to log in every few days, just to see. Today on my 3rd attempt, the connecting status stayed up for about 7-10 seconds, instead of insta-crash like it has been for the last month. The following attempt actually loaded in but said I was not on-line (I am), and now we're back to instant crashes. That flicker of hope hurt man... Thanks for keeping up, we wouldn't have the little notice we do have w/o your diligence!

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