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8/30/2022 3:33:45 PM

Looking for a raiding clan, tired of LFG

Looking for an active and supportive clan that is down to run raids and help players learn raids.

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  • How's it going? We are a small group of friends, looking to add a few more members.. All of us are either in college or working (ages ranging from 19 thru 36). Some of us have families, kids, etc. So we understand busy home life. We are looking for cool people that wants to run end game in Destiny. That are at least 18+, willing to build our clan and able to enjoy some trolling and understand that some days we all have our lives and stuff happens. We would be happy to have you, we have people on PC and Xbox, so feel free to stop by. Hit me up via the clan or discord.​ v/r Mason

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