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Destiny 2

Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny 2 zu tun hat.
4/7/2022 5:31:40 PM

Non HDR Destiny Settings still affect HDR Brightness - WHY?

The Title says it all. This is on Xbox. You supposedly "Fixed this", but you have not. How to duplicate with an Xbox (or other Device) and an HDR10 TV. 1) Get into Xbox TV Setting (or PS5 or PC), and make sure your device is in HDR10 mode. 2) Launch Destiny, - go for Breakfast while it boots up. Then select a character. 3) Take a Screen shot of your ship in orbit - this is the intial HDR Reference image 4) Quit Destiny (not for good, just to get back to the Xbox DeskTop). 5) Get into Xbox TV Setting (or PS5 or PC ), and set your device to be in NON-HDR10 mode. 6) Launch Destiny - go for a snack while it boots up. Then select a character. 7) In the Destiny Settings, set the Brightness to 1. 8) Take a Screen shot of your ship in orbit - this is a Non HDR Reference image 9) Quit Destiny. 10) Get into Xbox TV Setting (or PS5 or PC), and set your device to be in HDR10 mode. 11) Launch Destiny - go for a late afternoon snack while it boots up. Then select a character. 12) Take a Screen shot of your ship in orbit - this is a Dark HDR Reference image 13) Now Compare the first Initial HDR Reference image to the Dark HDR Reference. You have not changed the HDR settings, but you can easily see that the non HDR Destiny settings are BADLY screwing up the HDR settings. Why is this happening Bungle? Why is their ANY interaction between Non HDR settings and HDR Settings at all? I want answers!
#bug #destiny2 #Hdr

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