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ursprünglich gepostet in: How to bring back primary gunfights.
2/17/2022 8:20:08 PM
I like this idea, but sadly don't think Bungie would ever do it. All those shotgun apes would be mad that they can't get the ball rolling, and sniper gods would be mad that they can't pick people off right off the bat.

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  • Yeah. We went through a period in destiny 1 where we spawned with 0 special and it did force people to use primary but a lot of times people just camped the crates and then got the ball rolling from there. I like the idea I mentioned but I do see the disadvantages. Really slows the game down, it risks only the skilled players getting special but with sbmm that should be mitigated a bit. So I think it couldn’t be only based on getting a kill to earn special, I think a rolling damage counter could be implemented to allow players to get special after ‘x’ amount of damage. Just a thought.

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