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Destiny 2

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7/21/2021 3:51:53 PM

D2 Loot Pool Problem

It seems that ever since we ever heard of or spoke of [i][b]sunset weapons/armor[/b] [/i]the reward system had begun to change. At first, it wasn't as noticeable as it is now, because you did an activity/mode and you would [i][u]earn[/u][/i] stuff from that said activity/game. But now it is so noticeable that it is frustrating to play any activity without getting the same rewards you would get from turning in weapon parts to the gunsmith or tokens to other vendors. The [u]world loot pool[/u] has basically infiltrated itself into all the activities/modes and vendor rewards/rank ups to a point that it is literally suffocating them. Sure I can understand when the world loot legendaries drop when playing an activity but not when it is the reward or even a rank-up vendor package of the said activity/mode. It's demoralizing to do strikes, the crucible, gambit, NF, or any other activity that has the same loot pool as the world loot pool. It really hurts the replayability of the activities. If you are farming the game modes for their corresponding weapons/armor and trying to get the god roll or the next closest roll, tough luck. The rng at this current moment is against you, and that little advantage you got from tokens is basically going to become non-existent. The token system was probably implemented in D1 as a way to say [i]"hey we notice that you have been doing these activities, why not turn those tokens that you have earned in with the vendor in hopes of you having a higher chance of receiving said weapon/armor with the rolls you want!" [/i]That would have been great if it wasn't for the fact that the first couple of years for [u][b]D2 armor/weapons were static rolls[/b][/u]. Then forsaken came in and now with have random rolls, but vendor refresh topic was always [b][u]ignored[/u][/b] so the only drops we got were from doing activities like crucible, gambit, strikes/nf, and dreaming city, etc. Then they start with the seasons after Forsaken, and it seems it was much easier just to make [u]bounties[/u] for said [u]weapons[/u]. It wasn't until Shadowkeep in which for the first time vanguard and crucible finally got a [b]vendor[/b] somewhat [i]refreshed[/i]. But by then Bungie implemented the world loot pool to mix in with every other loot pool in the game saturating the reward system to the point that the game mode's own loot pool became diluted. The other issue is that we are getting rewarded low-tier stat armor when turning in tokens or ranking up, or doing any of the bounties for armor? Why is that happening? I turn in basically 20,000ish tokens from both Crucible and Vanguard and all the armors I have received from both vendors couldn't reach 60 stat. It would have been great if we could at least receive some pieces with 60+ at least it would seem a bit fair but instead, it kills the drive and you begin to question, [i]"What's the point of this vendor?"[/i] I worry that once we lose the token system for good all the rewards are going to come from a single loot pool. At first, no one will really mind it, but just like [b][i]D2 vanilla (Double primaries and special in the heavy spot)[/i] [/b], it will slowly make its self known.

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