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Destiny 2

Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny 2 zu tun hat.
6/17/2021 5:53:54 AM

Remove the Nerf to Backup Plan

Some people will say that shotguns are an issue. Some will say don't get so close. Some will say I will just counter them with my fusion rifle with backup plan....Oh wait they nerfed that. Adding a little bit of range to fusions does not help. Undo the nerf to backup plan and shotgunners will then have a challenge or think twice. I don't know but I'm sure some will chime in and say backup plan is OP. I'd pull out my backup plan fusion in the past and kill them. Now I do the same and they are still alive. They pull out their shotgun and I'm instantly dead. Now before you check my stats I will tell you this. This is my first FPS so I am not great at pvp. I have not played pvp in quite some time because I'm not that good and I'm tired of getting mapped with shotguns while when I do the same thing from the same distance and all I do is tickle them. I have a Gilded Conqueror Title so I am not horrible at the game, it just feels like bullet magnetism, hit boxes, and aim assist don't exist when I'm in Crucible. This is just me making a post based on others discussing shotgun issues that I have read in the past. I thought to myself "Why not undo the nerf to backup plan and see what happens." Thoughts Guardians?

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