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Destiny 2

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11/17/2020 3:54:33 PM

Guardian Stories B1, House of Witches. Part 7: The Pit

The interior of the Fallen Ketch was a mess, a mix of scrapped together metal's and electronics, reinforced by Hive structuring. An inch of black looking water lay on the floor, disturbed by more liquid dripping from the ceiling. Although Akain was fully masked he could still smell the place, like months of trash and decomposing bodies. They had been walking slowly for twelve minutes, Adam taking the lead, checking round each corner, shotgun raised, expecting a target any second. Yuri had the rear, pulse rifle also raised, making sure nothing came from behind or surprised them. Akain was between them, his eyes on the motion sensor, it was unchanged, but it didn't stop him from feeling that they were being watched from all sides. They could only see a several metres ahead, the ship's only source of light was from burning Hive touches that they encountered every now and again. They passed several doors, that had been welded shut, like the Fallen had been locking themselves in. Wait! Yuri said, she whispered over the radio, even though no one could hear them talk through their helmets. They became motionless, trying to blend in with the background. It's gone, that's the second time my motion sensor has picked up something behind us, Yuri continued her voice shook slightly with fear. It was probably picking up nothing, if it was something it would have already attacked us, they already have the advantage on us. Adam said his answer was was logical and made with past experiences in mind. Yuri still sat motionless, Akain could see her rifle shook in her hands. He raised his hand and put it on her shoulder. Do you want me to take rear guard? Akain asked gently. Yuri forced a laugh and said, to do what? To read our attackers poetry? No, I'm good as long as we are together, I'm good. Yuri stood up straight, shrugging Akain's hand off her, lets keep moving, she finished, her fake confidence had been replaced with real confidence. Not even three minutes later, Adam raised a hand, my motion sensor is picking up a lot of movement up ahead through that doorway, Adam said pointing ahead of him to a Fallen door that was slightly open, light beaming into the dark corridor they were standing in. They approached closer Akain's motion sensor picked it up to, Adam with great carefulness peaked through the door. It's empty, he said with relief. Akain peered through as well, we are close to the bridge, we need to get to that door over there, Akain stated, pointing to the door on the opposite side of the large hanger like room. Why are our motion sensors going off like crazy then if there's nobody there? Yuri asked still keeping an eye behind them. There might be a flowing water or bubbling ether below, this ships a wreck, I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case, Adam said thoughtfully. Akain seen that the console was similar to the one he hacked to get in, Lumiere? Once more please? Akain asked his Ghost, it appeared, blinked and hacked the door this time in a few seconds, the shield disguising the door disappeared but the door didn't open. Lumiere blinked twice at Akain. The door won't open! Akain said worry building up in him. Adam took a glance at the top and bottom of the door, give me a second Adam said crunching his fists in his hands. He wedged his foot and hands in the crack he then pulled. With the strength of a Titan he opened the doors, Akain could hear the metal groaning with lack of use. With a loud clunk the door jammed open. The hanger like room was large and nearly empty, but the room was cover in the black water substance, splattered on the walls and dripping from the ceiling to the floors where it drained into holes in the floor. He could easily throw a Solar flare as far as he could from here and not hit the other side. But the room had holes in the floor, large and small, like there had been a warzone in here, Akain approached the nearest one to look down, It was pitch black. His motion sensor was going crazy, this is where all the movement was coming from, it must be water that has piled up in there, to much movement for it to be a large squad of Fallen or a pack of Hive. A makeshift metal bridge had been made from large plates of metal, it looked stable enough. Lets be careful where we walk Akain spoke to the others, he was more worried for Adam's weight but sure enough when they started walking across the bridge seemed to be fine. Half way there the floor creaked ominously underneath him but didn't budge luckily, they got across the bridge and entered the door to the Ketch's bridge, climbing stairs in single file and reached a door that looked like it hand been ripped open and... Oh god, Adam said, holding himself back from vomiting. The smell redoubled as the room was full with week's old Fallen corpses. Akain was speechless, what happened in here? He needed to know, the others were in shock but Akain walked forward towards the captains terminal, he investigated the body nearby. From the armour's sigl this was a House of Devils scribe. He was surprised not by the House but that a scribe was among them. The House of Devils were mostly just remnants now. Akain used Lumiere to hack the terminal to give him access and Lumiere started to download all the information it could get. Akain could read Fallen text and found a journal from Scribe Arvik, who must be the Fallen corpse next to him. He had journal entries nearly two years old. Akain started at the beginning quickly translating and scanning through. Akain started to paraphrasing out loud to let the others hear. Remnants of the House of Devils set up home here, they grew in numbers over the years, they also kept to themselves. Akain skipped several journal entries at a time, as some of them were just simple day reports and discussions. They kept to themselves, not wanting to draw attention. They seemed quite happy, they nominated a Kell of there own, Kell Lulkinul. Akain skipped through more to a month ago. They had been mining for ether when they came across a Hive nest underneath them. They were overwhelmed by numbers, but they didn't kill them, but took them prisoners. Akain skipped the last week of entries. Kell Lulkinul was taken with Hive forces, they had barred themselves in the ship to try and hold out for help, they sent out distress signals, no one came. Maybe thats how Shaw Han found this place? Adam said to them. Would make sense, this place isn't normally patrolled often, it's so far out of the way from... They could hear footsteps coming from the stairs behind them. All of them took cover behind Fallen computers and makeshift barricades. The steps grew closer and Yuri silently moved to right of the door rifle raised. The Guardian stepped forward into the light of the bridge, Yuri put her rifle barrel to their head. Adam called out, Wait! As Robert stepped forward. Where the hell have you been you cowardly -blam!-! Yuri shouted over the radio. I just went back to change my equipment. Robert said, not even phased by the gun to his head or the scene that met him in the Ketch's bridge. Look we don't have time for this lets just finish up here and go, Akain spoke out loudly fear gripping his heart slightly, Lumiere came back to him and disappeared. Let me just finish reading this, I need to know, Akain said, going back to the terminal of Scribe Arvik, he didn't read the last part out loud. The last journal was barely readable, panicky or madly written, Akain could not tell. We are trapped, no hope, the worms forced inside, makes us slaves, dark magic controlling us, resist the magic, thrown into the pit, the pit, the pit. The Pit was written over and over again, fear had taken reason from this Scribe. We will not become like them. Better to die free than live as slave. Traveler forgive us. Akain could feel fear nearly take over him, but he also felt pity for the Fallen. What a hell to live through, Akain said in a horrified whisper. Is that everything? Adam asked, Akain knew he wanted to leave as soon as possible. Yuri, still looked at Robert with disgust and mistrust and said, please can we just leave? Akain could tell that if they didn't leave soon, fear would grab a hold of them. Before he could say anything, a loud whaling sound echoed throughout the ships active speakers, it sounded like, an alarm. Run! Akain shouted, his voice breaking, terrified of what might happen. Without a moment wasted they ran straight out of the Ketch's bridge, down the stairs and to the large room. Yuri was in front, behind her Adam, then Akain, then Robert. Halfway across the makeshift bridge they heard the creaking metal plate, Yuri passed over it, but Adam just as he pass over it, his weight pushed it out of place with a loud creak, Akain not having the time to stop stepped onto it and he heard a crunch and he was falling, falling into the darkness. Akain! He heard Adam scream. Akain fell for a few seconds, he heard the metal hit the ground with a loud bang and he bounced of it. He rolled down a mound, hitting off large rocks and crunching of the ground. He came to a stop and could taste blood in his mouth, his helmet had cracked open, it took most of the fall. He tried to push himself of the ground, his hand pushed off something gagged and pulled back his hand. He blinked to get his vision back and to see what had hurt him. He was lying on... bones, many bones, countless Fallen bones. Flesh still hanging off them, stale blood covered them and there was an inch the black blood of the floor. Akain screamed, a scream of horror, a scream that was alien to him. Clambering back to his feet in disgust and fear. He could hear movement around him, whaling, and screeching. He looked this way and that, unable to see in the darkness. He used all the strength that was in him and pulled a flaming sword out from his inner light. He illuminated the area he was surrounded by thousands of thrall, twitching and drooling, climbing up, coming for him.

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