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7/8/2020 11:41:50 PM

As your new secretary of Story/RP

I would like to begin by suggesting a standardized #RP and #Story tag. This will allow users to quickly locate recent RP's and Stories that may become lost in a sea of unique hashtags. Second- I would like to formally endorse and be allowed to declare [b]the Dojo[/b]-whoever may be running it -a certified and recognized training ground for new faces and veterans a like, in the nebulous ways of offtopic combat. Education is the key to eliminating so-called "god-modders"; a continuously curious term, as everyone seems to have a different definition... Reopening the Dojo with regular management by a dedicated user will be a goal of this office, with that aim in mind Third- I would suggest we do away with the use of the term "god-modder", and refer to it by it's true name, malicious [i]sabotage[/i] or simple naivete. Someone who is looking to derail the good times of others whether maliciously or unintentionally always exists; the internet proves this. How we deal with these folks is what defines us. Open a dialogue, and if you cannot do that, enlist the help of someone who can; some people see our exchanges and say; "hey, I want to do that too" and when they decide to somehow blindside you with power, take them aside with a DM, or ask another user for help. We must be firm, but also compassionate. Fourth- I would suggest that Roleplayers of Offtopic gather together in our imaginary world one day a year, with an agreement to engage in no fighting, no contention, regardless of character, alignment, race (I'm looking at you Space Marines) and have a huge party, this days name and date will be decided by the people. Fifth- Once The president's term is ended I will resign this position and assume an advisory role Sixth- I will only kiss you if you really mean it. Thank you, and may you all embrace the deep one day!

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