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Bearbeitet von D0ubl3T4p: 5/30/2020 1:07:50 AM

Disconnect, disconnect and more disconnects.

This is getting stupid, I and/or my clan mates get disconnected 10-15 times a day, almost always "BEAVER". Before anyone says it's my connection. I have excellent internet and everything in my house is hardwired and well connected with high end equipment. I know this isn't just me because it's happening too often with random players, you see them fly in somewhere with you but when you land they are gone and in "Survival" that's almost a certain loss for the team that lost that player, that slot never gets filled. Now on to my biggest complaint about this disconnecting non-sense.... Survival, it's very hard to make progress when a disconnect counts as a loss for you and you lose glory points because of it. I wouldn't even do competitive except several quests require it. Last night I was disconnected twice pretty quickly while traveling to a survival map then I get a suspension notice because if it. How the hell can you not tell I was disconnected and didn't bail on my team intentionally. You knew I was disconnected because you thew up the damn Beaver message. So, WHY does that count against me. ISP - XFinity 1 GB Platform - PC (WIN10 1909) Networking - All Ubiquiti (SCG Pro 4, 24 Port switch, Cloud Key 2, 2 - 8 port switches, 2 - AP HD) All computers, TV's, consoles are hardwired. Below are the steps I have taken to try rectify this on my end. 1. uninstalled D2, deleted registry keys associated with the game 2. uninstalled Steam, deleted registry keys associated with steam 3. verified ports are forwarded for both Steam and D2 both UDP and TCP 4. added those same ports to inbound and outbound firewall rules 5. installed Steam 6. installed D2 7. launched D2 reconfigured my key bindings 8. played 10 games of survival with no Beavering 9. 11th game Beavered and got a warning for leaving a match. (I didn't leave a match, you made me leave a match) I always stay to the end, even when losing. It's the right thing to do for the other players. 10. I have ran speed tests immediately after getting disconnected, it's always in the 900 MB range with 4-6 ms latency. Bungie, I ask you to please fix your damn game. The disconnects are getting worse and worse, read your forums, twitter, facebook. Everyone is complaining about it. I've seldom had this issue before, sure I'd get the random disconnect when going to the tower or something, but that would happen a couple of times a month not 10-15 times a day. If you can't fix your connectivity issues at a minimum fix comp so if your disconnected it doesn't count against me or the players that were with me if they lose. I love Destiny and have been playing it since D1, but the disconnects infuriate me. Fix it please!!!!!

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