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Bearbeitet von Ion, Disciple of Melvin: 6/3/2020 11:18:05 PM

Ion talks about Pokémon Manga but with Cady in it

Listen to Ion’s rant


Listen to Cady’s mourning of Gen 5


Ion- Has this ever happened to you? Cady— AAHHH! I like Pokémon and manga, but I wish the story was better?! I- Do you like anime? C — Yes I- Do you like manga? C— yes I- Do you like Pokémon? C- — yes and now hurry cuz you aren’t paying me- I- Try Pokémon Adventures! Pokémon Adventures follows the journey of each main series Pokémon game’s protagonist. C- And lemme guess, it follows the same protagonist and their crew through each region and- I- STUPID. I said each game gets its own main character(s). Each character is given their own unique motivation and personality, well, more or less... C- wait, so that means that my character from Gen 1 is different from, say, Gen 3? I- Correct! C- So what happens to the story when a remake or third game, like Yellow, is given an arc? I- That Gen’s cast returns in that arc! They also sometimes return in other Gen’s arc, like the cast from Gen 2 showing up in the Emerald arc. C- Neat! Well, who are the characters? I- The characters are named after their respective game. Red and Blue are based off their character models from that game. Same for Gold and Silver, and the other games. C- What about their story? I- ...It follows the game, STUPID. C- Care to explain? I- Why you’re STUPID? C- No, STUPID. I mean about the plot. I- Well... each cast follow’s their respective game’s plot, but with FAR SUPERIOR character development compared to the show... The exception is when a Gen is re-made or the third game is made, like Fire Red/Leaf Green and Yellow or Emerald. Those arcs mainly focus on whatever new content the games brought compared to their original games. Then, there is Black and White 2... C- You say that like it’s a bad thing. I personally enjoyed BW2 and it added a ton new content and- I- *Sighs* That’s the problem. Because the manga follows the game line, it’s at its whim to when it comes to telling a story. BW2 is the prime example of that. Readers have been waiting for OVER 6 YEARS (I think) FOR A NEW CHAPTER TO COME OUT!!! *Editor Chiron’s Note: Ion ranted for 10 minutes and almost made Cady die of insanity from learning that his favorite Gen was never fully completed. **Sigh** Guess I’ll have to save this after production.**

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