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Destiny 2

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Bearbeitet von TheHero: 5/26/2020 11:12:18 AM

The real reason(s) of sunsetting?

[b]I probably hurt myself when i started thinking about the reasons.[/b] I will try to explain my view which came into my thoughts what could be one reason why its happening. Also i will add some minor comments at the end. So lets start with remembering what happened when we all where so fed up with dissassembling shaders. There was a time when you needd to hit the dissasemble button for several seconds for only one shader. Bungie tried to first to minimize the time to squeeze the button but that was not a solution, just a minor quality of life. So after some monthes they said they will bring in mass destruction ability for shaders. What happened is that we have to go the NPC and can hold button for 5x Stack of a Shader. WOW, Mass Destruction, but they said it wasn't possible to delete all stack because the Destiny Engine/Servers where having a hard time to cope with so much information coming in so fast. Danger of Engine Crash/freeze something was mentioned. Thats why they did it the way it is now. [i]Dont forget this said above. Its important to understand my way of explaining one Reason for the sunsetting.[/i] Now that we know this. Then take a look at Damage per minute. A weapon does a specific damage per minute. (Ingame we go normally for saying TTK=Time to Kill Term in seconds) But for this explaining we go for a minute. Just for comparing. [quote]If as Bungie says they want to sunset weapons because they want to stop the weapons power creep. To make each seasons better weapons then before and so like thinking it musst be more DPS (Damage per Second) then season before. Then let us compaire this to my reasoning. Weapons do Damage per minute. When you Damage you do kill at the end an Enemy or in Technical: one Enemy dead translates into one Object destroyed. So when you say Power Creep as Bungie says, then the Kill rate of enemys / objects destroyed is rising too when weapons going to be stronger each season or saying it has more damage per minute then season before. [b]This leads to a situation where someday to much input from all those players in all those activities together could be leading to crash the servers/engine/ your Sandboxpart maybe.[/b] Killing more Objects in short time is for my reasoning like destroying many shaders in the same amount of time, all at once. Bungie said it for the shaders. I do assume the engine is working like that: Every object is treated same way. They only got different descriptions in the database to define what they are, either a shader or an enemy or just a destroyable item. All the same.[/quote] [i]In this way of thinking, i would too understand why bungie wants sunsetting. The Engine is very old now and they try to squeeze a lot out of it. But it has its limits.[/i] Bungie could have explained it that way or similar, if im right. But then again, why didnt bungie knew this before they announced the last annual pass and said we need to participate in those seasons to get all we want out of it? Pay for the content and play it all time because those things will never return. You have to be there at the time bungie said. They wanted us too feel this way. And they underlined it with Destiny 1 moments. When people talked about being there at that time and had a lot to talk about. Bungie even said in their Video before Dreaming City came and they introduced the Collection and New Seals and Triumphsystem, that they want us Collectors and min/maxers be the real big part of the Destiny playerbase. We are now, and what happened? We cant collect and use forever what we want. (build from collections is restricted by random perks) We cant look what we want, we cant play and be like we want by min/max stats and perks to get powerfull synergies to play the Power Fantasy Destiny/bungie employess are promising to us. Oh wait WHERE promising. Theres no Powerfantasy anymore. Sunsett is coming. They lured us and hooked us and next season and Annual Pass they just laugh at us. Not even a "Sorry" from Bungie that they lied to us in this BIG FASHION. This is like you pay for content as descripted and in that way you get what it says and then they dont do it after some time. You dont get what you paid for. The consumer protection isnt there. Damage per minute gets a whole other meaning now. Not just in the game but people are talking less friendly per minute about sunsetting. Of course thers also people like renowned "Slayerage" the legend himself on youtube with positive arguments: He says sunsetting is good. A Free opinion but also just featuring on weapons in itself and that hes not taking into account the overall state of the game. Destiny is not all weapons. Even when ther's allready over 700 of them in the game and the count is rising. There's other ways to fix the Game to make it three more years before Destiny Franchise is done with Destiny 2 Engine. And either its done with that franchise and "MATTER" sets in or Destiny 3 Engine will be introduced. But inbetween playing the game for more 3 years after having played allready 3. Then hitting the sunsett wall and hurt my feelings alot. I have problems stomaching that, alot of you probably too. Some Solutions involving a lot of money and will of Bungie: - Detach PvP content physically from PvE. Do not ever again say you dont want to because you said in your Twitchvideo that you dont want us to lose our haptic / musclememory. Relog into a desdicated server for PvP where theres PvP versions Weapons only to balance and use forever = Better protection vs Cheaters, and real matchmaking based on more pvp stats then ever possible. No dillution from PvE weapons vice versa anymore and no more having balance problems. With even the possibility to buy only PvP variant of Destiny or Both, depending what you want from Destiny 2 and what your console restrictions might decide for you. - Introduce a better itemmanagement system ingame, better or same like 3rd Party Destiny 2 Itemmanager (DIM). No more hours wasted in pushing items here and there when you need prpeare for activity. - Focus on Armor3.0 and make it all Armors to Ornaments and all introduce a General Modslot for all seasons there ever where. Underlines the players wish for more freedom in making powerfull synergies and have a real itemprogression system by only deleting old items when therres really a better one with better stats to use. Other new weapons can be introduced but can be powerfull in itself without having to use powercreep because you can introduce other perks and Artifact mods which make weapons same powerfull but just through other synergies. So stop complaining about powercreep when therre does not need to be one. its just the matter of those perks and mods. - Make Raidencounters/ Enemys more spongy in PvE when we can really build our own synergies and have a more easy way to prepare and get gear to prepare for the big Activities. At the moment, getting gear is all the time hard work and time consuming and then when we have this gear the activities are so easy that getting gear is somewhat more difficult then the activities like Raids etc. [b]Make your motto: Easy to learn(Gear up/ Synergize Builds, perks, mods) and hard to master(Activities)[/b] All in all this solutions would reduce items ingame, make the players faster ready for the action and have overall a streamlined experience besides the minor nuisance of relogging into PvP part. PvP is anyway a stupid idea in the Destiny Universe because why should the Guardians waste all the light energy from the Traveler to kill themselves when theres bigger threats which kill so many Guardians allready. So a dedicated server would be like logging into a simulated battle. Which is far cooler then what is now AND is NOT wreaking havoc with OUR musclememory. We Players are not YOU Bungie Game Directors who dont play Destiny so much time as so many like us. Theres some more thoughts for solutions. [b]But you Bungie have the [i]Last Word[/i] (nerfed too)[/b] PS: Another thread of me telling bungie about 5000h plus time in Destiny and Sunsetting:

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