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5/27/2019 9:33:35 AM
this game cannot be sustained on a 1 time buy of 60$. bungie is a business they are here to make money if they stop making money they scrap destiny or sell it off to a shittier game developer who will crash it into the ground, this is the price you pay for playing a "live" game. if you don't like the model of live games don't play them. go back to Skyrim.

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  • It literally can be sustained on a one-time purchase of $60. Micro-transactions don't exist because companies are hard-up for cash. They exist because of greed. With online games like Destiny 2, the game can be sustained through the sale of DLC. Micro-transactions aren't necessary to keep the game afloat.

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  • Bearbeitet von Balyx: 5/27/2019 1:26:59 PM
    [u][i][b]the sole purpose of a company is to make profit[/b][/i],[/u] anyway it can, then to maximize it. "This game cannot be sustained on a 1 time buy of 60$." I was wrong to put this I was trying to say something else and it came out wrong. I agree with everything you stated in your comment. but this "Time for a reminder. AGAIN...#removeeververse" is not the answer. It sounds as if some inebriated twelve year old thinks he'll get his way if he is loud enough. posts like these where O.P. knows NOTHING will come out of it is nothing but a sham for attention. Eververse is here to stay if you don't like it vote with your dollars and don't buy d3 and quit d2. I mean it just leave, I for one love destiny and will continue to buy their games and purchase silver because it is what I choose to do, I give them more money because I want to see more.

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  • I personally don't care about Eververse. It's here to stay, that much is obvious. Topics about removing Eververse are stupid. It is only natural that it's in a company's best interests to maximize profits.

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