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Destiny 2

Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny 2 zu tun hat.
5/24/2019 2:33:57 AM

Time for a reminder. AGAIN...#removeeververse

Remember last year? The whole Eververse scandal? With the experience throttling and constant in game purchase pushing? We’re back here again. No one and I mean NO ONE wanted any of this. You haven’t learned, you never will learn at this rate.

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Gesamtes Thema ansehen
  • Bearbeitet von WulfPak666: 5/26/2019 8:51:15 PM
    The only "redeeming quality" I will give Tess is that despite being a mobile game store, she is 1000x better and "fair" then anything in other games I've played. Spend $10, get exactly what I want at Tess. Or spend $10 in CoD and get 100 stupid stickers I'm never gonna use, maybe a decent cameo and maybe a snowball's chance in hell at the thing I actually want. I also find it funny that people slobber all over Fortnite's nuts for their microtransactions and their main excuse is "bruh, it's a FREE game. That's why I don't mind buying the cosmetics." Bruh, you've spent over $2000 on that "free" game in 2 weeks which is more than all the games I've bought in the last 5 years combined, season passes and dlc included.

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