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Destiny 2

Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny 2 zu tun hat.
5/24/2019 2:33:57 AM

Time for a reminder. AGAIN...#removeeververse

Remember last year? The whole Eververse scandal? With the experience throttling and constant in game purchase pushing? We’re back here again. No one and I mean NO ONE wanted any of this. You haven’t learned, you never will learn at this rate.

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  • They aren't going to remove her. Why? Because for every person that says they don't want her, there are two other people who don't care and buy from her, anyway. I'm willing to bet that even some of the people who are voting to get rid of her have purchased Silver before, lol. You all need to stop acting like someone is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to spend your money on Silver. The inventory resets and, more often than not, anything you want to grab will be available for Bright Dust sooner or later, which is earned easily. If that's a problem, then I think you need to exercise some patience - it's the same as farming for something with a low percentage drop chance. The armor that Tess sells is generally hideous looking, as are most of the ornaments for weapons. The best things coming out of her inventory are the ships and Ghost shells, and those aren't even incredibly rare.

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    Benimm dich. Nimm dir eine Minute, um dir unsere Verhaltensregeln durchzulesen, bevor du den Beitrag abschickst. Abbrechen Bearbeiten Einsatztrupp erstellen Posten

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