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Destiny 2

Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny 2 zu tun hat.
Bearbeitet von Cosm-0_s: 3/31/2019 12:02:01 AM

My think on the competitive playlist.

1. The competitive playlist need a solide matchmaking or need to be solo/duo queue. 2. The competitive playlist need to be in 6v6 because 4v4 is boring and too slow. The competitive playlist don't need to be like trial of the nine(4v4) but more like the quickplay. Because quickplay is more fun and have more people playing(and is not a hazard...). 3. The competitive playlist need good modes like suprematie, control(or Zone control) and Clash. 4. The competitive playlist need a leaderboard in game because players like that, players want to be the best lol. 5. The ranks need to be see easely in game because i want check the rank of the players against me because this is a normal think. ______________________________ If Bungie do that the competitive playlist can have more players and can be way more fun. It's like the Iron banner it's 6v6, it's fun, more than the competitive playlist, so imagine a iron banner competitive with ranks, a leaderboard and good modes ? That can be really really fun i think and that can be a thing than i can play everyday, more than the quickplay. (Sorry for my bad english)

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