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Destiny 2

Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny 2 zu tun hat.
3/29/2019 4:04:41 AM

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♤ Icarus Bloodstone - Troubleshooter: Page 10 - Warden of Nothing [Part 1]

Icarus Bloodstone's ship flies into view through countless tangled wrecks and debris from a shore long forgotten. Icarus leans forward on the dash to peer down on the haunting prison that killed his friend just weeks ago. "Take us down." Icarus starts, just barely finishing before a large explosion in the distance. A massive scorn explodes into void energy from a Nova Bomb. Guardians have been fighting so-called Barons since the outbreak. "Filthy.." Icarus mumbles under his breath. They land and hop off the ship into a broken duct used for transporting criminals and enemies of war. As Icarus and Proxy wander for a bit, they eventually come across an Awoken female. She seems to be admiring the place. "Umm, excuse me?" Icarus startles her as she jumps back away from the wall. "Oh sh-" she damn near falls over. "I thought I was the only one here!" She turns to face him, her warm amber eyes glow bright in the dark halls. Her cloak suggests hunter, but there's barely any of it left. A titan could easily wear it as a mark. She laughs for a second, then introduces herself. "I'm Shadow. I used to come here all the time before the Red War. Never got [i]this[/i] far in, though." She begins starring at this again. "Name's Icarus. Did that Drifter guy send you here, too?" Icarus is still evaluating her. He's had a bad past with the Awoken. Mostly from stealing their stuff, really. She responds without looking away from a control panel she found. "Yep. He didn't even have to talk much. Once I heard 'Prison of Elders' I said yes. God, it's good to be back." She sighs. Then again, but louder. "Are you alright?" Icarus questions and raises a hand toward her. "I am programmed to help with emotional turmoil. Could I be of assistance?" Proxy steps forward. "Proxy, not now." He waves him off, then pauses to turn towards him. "Wait, what are doing here? I thought I told you to stay with the ship?" "You did not. I remember everything." Proxy was right, as usual. "Forget it. You're coming with us I guess. Just try not to get shot, yeah?" Icarus begrudgingly turns back to Shadow, who seems to have figured out how to move the prisoner transport out of the way. She also activated the release of a Vex traveling inside it. It hops out and spins to start up, but before it can even raise its weapon, four bullets fly through its chest and it drops into a puddle of its own making. Both Icarus and Shadow turn to see Proxy with an upgraded Origin Story auto rifle from the Vanguard. The Horror Story. Smoke gently drifts from the barrel. "We should get moving." Proxy chirps before putting the rifle on his back. Icarus and Shadow just look at each other, then Icarus shrugs and says, "Well, god to see that his protocol is still working." He grabs his side for his Hand Cannon. Nothing. "Damn it! Again?" Shadow hands him a hand cannon. "The Drifter gave this to me. But I prefer my own." She takes out a side arm with a silencer and an smg with a rapid-fire frame. She shoots Icarus with a cocky grin and follows after Proxy. Icarus examines the weapon for a second. The steel is cold, but the wood handle is warm. A soft glow comes from the chamber where each bullet lays. The handle is engraved with a single word from the Drifter. "Trust." He reads out loud. He nods and runs after the group. The halls are quite until the roar of trains comes to life as they get to the main transport center. Countless Cabal and Vex are fighting each other over the area. "It's a full out territory war in here. They've all gone mad!" Icarus chuckles as he crouches down to not be seen. Proxy does as well, but Shadow charges in with a battle cry. [i]"YAAAAAHH![/i] She doesn't even make it to the fight as a transport train crushes her beneath it's track. Almost nothing remains. "Gross." Proxy whispers. Her ghost appears and what's left of her body vanishes, then reappears in full standing just on the edge of the tracks. "Well... that was embarrassing." She blushes and steps back. Two Cabal Psions begin their way over to them to investigate the 'battle cry' they heard. "Wanna try again?" "Shut up.." Icarus stands and takes three shots. A perfect headshot splatters the other Psion with dark blood, and as he looks over, another shot takes out his shoulder, then his neck. Icarus shoots a smug glance towards Shadow. She just grunts and rolls her eyes. She rushes the two Legionaries that look over to them. She jumps across the track and the train misses her barely. As soon as it passes, the two Legionaries lay dead, with Shadow standing on the head of one of the bodies. She stares at him, awaiting some sort of comment. Icarus says nothing, but instead fires a single shot that decapites a Goblin sneaking up on her. He crosses the track with Proxy after waiting for the next train to pass. "Not bad. But we're not done yet." He cracks a smile and reloads his gun. Six Goblins and a Hobgoblin teleport over the ledge in front of them. Shadow readies her gun, but before she can shoot, Icarus summons his sparrow and crashes through them, missing nothing but one Goblin and the Hobgoblin. The Vespulaser spits an AI-COM flourish behind it as he weaves through a cluster of Legionnaires. He drops a single frag as he passes. As it explodes, the arm of a Legionary falls next to Shadows left foot. She chuckles as she summons her own sparrow and jets towards him. They take off together down tracks with incoming trains rushing them. Easily dodging in and out of danger, left and right, passing each other back and forth, firing shots off at aliens and robots, almost as if it were a game. They reach the end of the tracks and hop off their sparrows. As they do, both transmat immediately. Shadow lands on the back of a Hobgoblin and slams a knife into its juice box. Vex milk sprays Icarus in the chest. "Aw, come on!" They laugh as he wipes most of it off.

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