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1/24/2019 12:43:44 PM
[quote]ALBANY, NY—As the New York State Senate voted to legalize abortion until the moment of birth, remove legal protections for late-term unborn babies, and allow anyone with a pulse to perform abortion procedures, witnesses claim a demon lord was clearly visible in the gallery cheering on the decision. "This dude in a dark cloak appeared in a flash of fire and started cackling and stuff," said one woman who also applauded the decision. "We thought maybe we should call security, but then we saw he was cheering right along with us, so we decided that he can't be all that bad." The demon lord solemnly applauded as legislators passed the historic legislation, in which a human being can be murdered even though he or she has fully formed organs and can feel pain. "We've been pushing for this legislation for a long time," the evil overlord told reporters after the session. "It just goes to show when you believe in your cause, scream loudly about it, ignore basic biological facts, and pray to Satan, you too can get people to cheer on the senseless slaughter of babies." The demon lord then departed as he had pressing business to attend to at Planned Parenthood's headquarters.[/quote]

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