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Destiny 2

Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny 2 zu tun hat.
Bearbeitet von JonnyMadDog1: 9/24/2018 5:44:00 PM

Who else thinks the writer/s of this franchise were/are 'in' on real-life conspiracy information?

Allegedly there's a secret 'Organization' against the 'luminati, or at least the Owhl branch versus the Spidr branch, started in the '70s, allegedly under Truhmp Tower in the sewers (kowabunga) of N Y C to combat the 'darkness', a la D1 that has steadily lost power throughout the solar system in the '90s and is making its last stand on Earth since around the time of 9 / 1 1. Allegedly there's some-64 alien species that have visited Earth, some hostile like the reptilians trying to social- and genetic-engineer humanity away while consuming 'em like canibalz, or G r a y s, others more benevolent or neutral like the E b e n s / E n o c h i a n s, or M a n t i d s (who allegedly travel in 'orbs of light' a la angls were seen as in ancient times, is Jsus Chrst a hybrid???). Not sure where the N o r d i c s factor in or the various f a e r i e s (some f a e r i e s seem nice, others more bloodthirsty and if yuh eat deir food and drink deir drink, yuh get trapped in deir land.....look out for blak-eyed, possibly greehn-skinned chil'ren with deep voices and mystical 'Holee Grails', possibly a part of the 'hollow Earth/inner Earth' realm conspiracy, possibly beneath some Englsh/Scndinavian blak-sites/government buildings the Queehn may be in on; hope the rayps of the f a e r i e women stopped, wanna break into those facilities and investigate, same with the g i a n t s the Smthsonian Institute is covering up, in case of any abuses that need to be brought to light and stopped, eye care about such sht). Allegedly there's a 'planet X' (ten) that people were wising up to so they made P l u t o no longer a planet to screw with r minds, and it's full of 'twenty-n-dones' with age regression therapy that these off-world officers can rejoin society with as if dey never left and a list of such was hacked by an Englsh hacker around the time of 9 / 1 1 and that's concerning.....'Space Force' anyone??? Allegedly Truhmp made a deal with the military versus the deep state who support different aliens as proxy-servers with different ideas of where humanity should go, whether of this planet or from elsewhere like planet 'x', and a malevolent force is waking up in A n t a r c t i c a where there's an Empire beneath the Ice (a la S t e v e Q u a y l e wrote about and talked about on I n f o w a r s). According to legend, a long time ago, Exiles from the constellation O r i o n came here as deities among early man and built A t l a n t i s (Saytn's expulsion from P a r a d i s e with iz gang), then dey got 'spahnked' by their parental imperials who tracked 'em down and promised never to flood the Earth again (creation-myths started here). Titanik vs. Olympik ship......Andrw Jaksn on it....Morgn supposed to be on it.....allegory for a changing of the guard and old ways succumbing to new ways of Fedrl (not fedrl) Reserv quantative easing fractional reserve fiat petrodollars for perpetual wahr for the selling of perpetual peace and population control/sacryfyces by G Dubya's Mothr's Crowlee wytchcraft cohorts!?!?!?! Think about it. 'T h e 9'...... Saytn's name was allegedly E n k this franchise it's the name of the 'Fallen'.....GASP....FALLEN ANGL LUCI? GET IT!? The C a b a l.....that's easy. The military-industrial complex of L o k i from Avengrs narcissistic psychopaths who are so cynical ad arrogant dey feel humanity must be ruled because wi're too stoopid to be self-sufficient and transcend alone. Same ol', same ol'. The A w o k e's all making sense. Any1 else agree and care to share similar thoughts? E A is also, allegedly, a negative entity in P h o e n i c i a n mythology and that's also a garbage mainstream mega-publisher of games and these are modern stories which have long been used as ways of disseminating information and history to people and last the test of time. P r o m e t h e u s was allegedly one of, if not the, only T i t a n who cared for humanity and was punished for it and it took man to help 'im because the O l y m p i a n s were even worse, in terms of narcissism and the usual vices. Cycle of back-stabbing like in Str Wrs' Syth Empire apprentices when it comes to their masters. Indeed, indeed. It's also the name of the H i s t o r y C h a n n e l shows' producer. D a v i d W i l c o x, author of the 'S y n c h r o n i c i t y K e y' is a show-runner and mainstay of 'A n c i e n t A l i e n s', says 'e's in-league with high-ranking people and have contingencies for the impending collapse of the dollar....the A s i a n E l d e r s' gold? Said in iz book dey were SE A s i a n locations where people gathered to discuss defeating the n W o. Very interesting.

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