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Bearbeitet von Tav: 8/5/2018 11:49:34 AM

The new armour glows.

Why is the Void glow bright pink and not purple? The colours don't match. The solar glow is orange, as with the subclass. The arc glow is blue, as with the subclass...and the void glow is pink when the subclass is purple. As with a lot of the armour in general and the majority of the shader's it's very feminine. While we are on the subject, can we please have some Black shaders back please. Destiny 1 type shaders like Fortuna burn, Infinite link or Knight errant. I've seen enough Gold to last me a lifetime. Every reasonable shader in Destiny 2 has blam-ing GOLD ON IT! It looks garish and tacky. Edit: Just been reminded of 'Revenant' and 'Superblack'. These are the shaders we want...

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