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3/17/2018 6:13:33 PM

Should games with Microtransactions and Lootboxes be Free to Play?

Absolutely, they should!


No way, they shouldn't!


Hey Gaming Community! Just asking a simple question to get people's opinions on the matter! Should games, whether they be "Triple A" or Indie, be Free to Play if they have Microtransactions and/or Lootboxes? Leave your thoughts below and be sure to vote! Thanks for reading and have a nice day!

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  • Depends on the type of microtransactions. If it's just camos/skins you can buy then that's not enough to justify a free game but maybe free expansions. If it's lootboxes and in game currency then I guess it's fine but I'd prefer that it not get in the way of the game too much via selling high powered gear/locking the player out of necessary game functions (inventory slots in Warframe. And don't give me that "hurr durr just trade ingame and get the plat for it that way". They shouldn't be locked in the first place and they kill the game for people who want to collect warframes but can't get the necessary funds to unlock them.)

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