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Bearbeitet von Spawn: 3/19/2018 7:37:12 PM

Let's talk about guided games.

Should it be reworked? [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to #Feedback forum so that other Destiny players can weigh in. See [url=]Cozmo's thread[/url] for more information about the #Feedback tag and its uses. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]

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  • I paid for this game.... Bungie should include an optional plan of matchmaking. Should not some guided games crap. Obiviously it's not working. Why do I have to stop the game? Get on a tablet, mobile device or home computer to find matching making services. Why ? Every tiime I play a raid using LFG sites or bungie sites. I run into psychopath or toxic players that ruin the game. I actually stopped playing because alot of toxic players. But to clearly think why toxic players like doing what they are doing is simple. Discourage people to play the game. Because they are off their meds / medication or simply to screw things up on a team raid. Some of these toxic players play a raid everyday or at least 50 + or 100 + plus raids completed. ( If you think about it. ) Me I have completed less that 0 raids completed because of my work schedule and off time. I have other hobbies besides video games. I am not causal player. I played over 500 hours playing Destiny 1 & 2 combined. Yes. I am that guy that has not completed a RAID yet. Honestly, haven't played Destiny since January 28. Good bye Destiny you lost a fan of this great potential to make something powerful - like Star Wars, Star Trek, Lord Of The Rings and etc. This could have been a scfi masterpiece. But it's a nightmare thanks to Luke Smith and the drones that is destroying Destiny. Good bye Destiny

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  • It needs to be changed to a LFG system, and not tied to clans.

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  • Yes. Bungie dropped the football again, because they were overly-focused on the game THEY wanted to make, and not enough on what the customer wanted or how they actually used the product. So instead of treating Guided games as the low-toxicity version of LFG like the player's wanted.....Bungie used it as a platform for encouraging clan participation. Which is what BUNGIE wanted.

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    Best served chilled.💕🥛💕🥛 - alt

    Yes. Yes it should. And here are some rough ideas on how to fix it. Guides should be required to have completed the activity they are guiding. A raid guide should be required to have at least one completion, a nightfall guide should have completed at least one nightfall. Guides should be rewarded for guiding a player/players through an activity. One successful run should net you a unique emblem that counts the number of events you've guided players through with their being unique ones for the raid, raid lair and nightfall. There should also be an aura that comes with it, green maybe. At specific milestones guides are rewarded for their contribution. 5 Nightfalls: Honorable Boots 10 Nightfalls: Honerable Gloves 15 Nightfalls: Honerable Chest 20 Nightfalls: Honerable Helm 25 Nightfalls: Becon of Hope (Class Item) 30 Nightfalls: Enduring Hope (Exotic Auto Rifle) 5 Raids: Shepards Path 10 Raids: Shepards Grips 15 Raids: Shepards Guard 20 Raids: Shepards Watch 25 Raids: Look To the Stars (Class Item) 30 Raids: Light Eternal (Exotic Scout Rifle) 5 Raid Lairs: Shining Boots 10 Raid Lairs: Shining Gloves 15 Raid Lairs: Shining Plate 20 Raid Lairs: Shining Eye 25 Raid Lairs: A New Dawn 30 Raid Lairs: Endless Horizons (Exotic Hand Cannon) A buff should be rewarded to players who stick with an activity. We have Oathbreaker, I would like to see something similar. Unbreakable, players will be matched more quickly and recieve increased loot drops and exp. This way players who stay true are rewarded. Oathbreaker should be changed. A repeated pattern should yeild punishment and a brief 5 minute rejoin period should be enabled. Just a few ideas.

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    • Bungie does not except fresh ideas ! Get it out of your head guardian. That is why we will not get new subclasses or classes until 2025.

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    • Bearbeitet von SlippySlapz: 3/19/2018 8:47:36 PM
      Just make a matchmaking option for raids and nightfall for -blam!-s sake. A random fire team is better than no fire team at all.

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    • Bearbeitet von Lost Sols: 3/19/2018 4:36:54 PM
      Yes and they are going to be, that's already been stated. In fact Bungie said from the beginning that guided games were going to be limited in scope to start as they saw how they worked in the wild so to speak. As a whole Guided Games is a very good thing and 100% allows players that are solo a way to play content they couldn't in D1 without leaving the game and using other platforms to connect first. We've used it a lot for raids and we successfully completed all but one. I can tell you for a fact that our success rate with GG is MUCH higher than it was using LFG sites in D1. The pool of players searching are players who are prepared, have mics and genuinely want to play the content and have all been grateful to be there. I cannot say the same for LFG players. The attempt we didn't clear actually had nothing to do with the raid or participants, but the respawn bug (that we now know is from getting too spread out) that makes everyone RTO to fix it. That was a problem with GG because it meant having to abandon the GG activity and if everyone didn't vote to abandon, gave penalties where they couldn't rejoin and so players would have to form a normal raid with that random. Our failed attempt, the random got DCd during that process and couldn't get back on. The system works, but it's also too limited in its current form and there also needs to be more incentive for those leading others through on Bungie's end, but it also needs more fireteams willing to use it to fill out spots on the player side as well. One of the biggest drawbacks for it from the beginning has been the very long queue times for those looking for teams, sometimes in excess of an hour. This isn't uncommon for a system like this (WoW had some very lengthy queue times for their Dungeon and Raid finders when those released, particularly for DPS), and it shows that there are a lot of players who want to find teams to run with, which for me validates the system being there. I've never used GG as a player searching, but I believe that currently those players can't do other activities while waiting. If that's still the case, that needs to change and players should be able to at least go patrol while waiting. I understand not being able to queue strikes or PvP because of having to bail if the queue pops. As for teams searching. I think the limitation to Clans was an okay decision to test it overall, but ultimately it needs to be open to everyone when searching. I think any group of 2 should be able to queue to lead the NF and any group of 5 can queue to lead the raid (eventually I think that should evolve to 4 once all the kinks are worked out). The fact is that it's already a system underutilized by teams needing players and limiting it to Clans severely cut that population of available hosts. There also needs to be better incentive for the host teams and if I can be candid with you, a much better question to ask would have been "What can Bungie do to improve Guided Games?" Ultimately what Bungie need to hear is feedback from those that have and haven't used the system as to why they have/haven't and for those who have, what could be better. Unfortunately that type of feedback isn't really in strong supply here, but I would love to know from Clan fireteams who have both used and passed on GG, what incentives they feel would make the system more valuable to them. I personally would love to hear those ideas because I think they could be very diverse. For myself, I think unique armor ornaments or weapon skins unlocked through using GG could be a very cool option. Ultimately wherever the sun goes, the first step just needs to be making the system more player friendly overall and less punishing if anything goes wrong (disconnects, etc).

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      4 Antworten
      • My clan has maxed guided games for each season and we've had some good and bad experiences, it's really a crap shoot as to who you get. We've picked up 2 players from GG as new clan members. I refer to them as 'the gems we found in a pile of rubbish' From the Guide side, I think there should be A LOT more in terms of rewards for doing guided games. I'm not talking about a stupid emblem either. They could have Weapons and Armor in different Tiers... so say every 5 games you guide, you reach another tier pool of some cool [b]unique[/b] weapon or armor drops. The people we've guided have all said they were waiting over 40 minutes and that's because there is ZERO incentive to actually participate as a guide. In LFG you can advertise for what you want... here you just get what they drop in. In the absence of making the reward system better for those who guide, they should just make a spot in the Tower (or hey, let's make the farm useful again and put it there) where your Fireteam can go and post up for players... and players looking to raid would go to join these fireteams. You could chat a little first before you take off for the raid... make sure you gel as a team. ANYTHING is better than the way it is now.

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        • It would be nice if i could do anything, literally anything while its searching for guides.

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        • There should be matchmaking for everything. so you get unlucky sometimes oh well. It’s not like a 13 man vet trial run in eso. Raids are pretty simple. Min light should be 10 below max light for matchmaking and mic a must. Even if you can’t get it done with the team it’s still better than nothing.

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            Just integrate the apps fireteam maker into the game is all I say.

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          • Delete it. Make chat on by default and put match making on everything and the "problem" you're trying to fix will disapear.

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            • Do people even use that shit? Lol

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            • I hope so! I like guided games, nightfalls only though, as raids are too time intensive, both waiting in queue and in activity. I completed one Leviathan, way early to test the guided game option, will never do that again. It was a disaster, both the process AND then when finally matched. It wound up taking 8 to 9 hours and most of that time was spent in lfg! lol I enjoy guided nightfalls and would run them daily if Bungie allowed solo guides to queue. I have 3 tickets left, and I've been saving them for any nightfall specific rewards that may be too good to pass up. I'm hopeful guided games will get a rework but Bungie hasn't addressed that in any roadmap or TWaB that I can recall.

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            • It should be reworked typically run it with another clan mate to help out people then link up with them, I've tried to do this for as many people as I can. There's no reason someone should have a 30 minute queue time, that's unacceptable, especially from a business perspective.

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            • It needs to be reworked. The whole system operates on homegrown system where one guide will take others through activity they will learn the activity and become guide themselves. But that's not how it works is it?

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            • Hard to rework something if no ones playing.

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            • Should it just be regular matchmaking like everything else? Maybe....

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            • Do we have to?

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            • They should just have a Faceroll easy mode with match making, like looking for raid in world of Warcraft 👍

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            • Yes. It should be reworked. I think the idea should be turned into a raid "dojo", where the host clan can set up a private raid, where it selects the order of the encounters, which encounters to do, and on which difficulty. This should not be for loot, but a study area to practice and learn mechanics.

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            • We will talk about it in 35-45 minutes when it matches you with some people

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            • Just get rid of it and add optional matchmaking to every activity.

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            • Bearbeitet von [SiN]大き氷: 3/19/2018 2:47:24 PM
              Naive design is all it is. Ignoring the clan requirement being another arbitrary gate, it relies way too much on the good will of others. In the same way that the rest of their game asks teamwork of people, it just doesn't work that way. People are selfish, only worried about themselves, and rarely stray from that. Multiplayer reliant games are always going to fail. No one wants to boot up a game only to be met with the realization that you can't actually enjoy it unless you play with others.

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              6 Antworten
              • Considering I only ever used Guided Games a handful times to do nightfalls as a guide which was just simply kill everything and 1 time for a lair as a seeker to see how long it took to find a match then do the lair (12 minutes to find and roughly 1.5 hours to do the Lair). I feel it's utterly trash the way it is. I mean as the seeker for that Lair I did I had to guide it because the "guides" didn't know what they were doing or talking about. As the guide in the Nightfalls I did, well I sat in a private party with my "clan mate" and we never talked to the seekers.

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              • I believe it's useless, just add optional Match Making to the Guided Games Events.

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