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Bearbeitet von Enochua: 2/20/2018 4:31:29 AM

What makes something OP

Is something OP when the only counter to it is high skill level play? is it op when there isnt a piece of gear, perk, or build that can counter it? is it op when it performs outside its traditional established game play? is it op when a lot of people are using it? is it op when a lot of people start using it to counter its users? is it op when it performs better than other options within the same class, weapons or gear? is it op when it has more effects than its counter parts? edit: people who down vote someone asking simple questions have a guilty conscience about something they use.

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  • There are a few things that make something OP to me; 1. There is no concrete counter in general, or without an insane amount of dedication. Ghost's thermal and tracker sights spring to mind here, as the only effective counter is not only extremely short lived (smoke and Incog together), but also takes up 4 perk slots alone, not counting any weapons you want to use. 2. They overstretch their intended role, some SMGs in various games that reach too far or some snipers that are really consistent up close without much sacrifice in return. 3. Rewarding otherwise bad play, Titanfall has Nuclear Ejection and Smart Pistol, as a good example. Martyrdom from older CoD is also a good example, as are Death Streaks. Albeit these can be lumped in as annoying, and I don't find Nuke Eject extreme, but :P 4. A mechanic or weapon that overwrites other weapons in terms of effectiveness is kind of a case by case type deal, but some I would say are nerf-worthy, others would need the exlipsed weapon seeing a buff. Good examples are really any systems that are one hit melee mechanics, at least from front. Titanfall 2's basic melee spring to mind. I can also kind of argue certain supply drop weapons from CoD (Rangers, K-12, The MWR DLC bolt action sniper, AW STG, WWII VSTG, Blops 3 Peacekeeper I'd also lump in there, and I'd hear arguments for a few other Blops 3 weapons). I feel like Destiny 2 is the kind of game that is trying too hard, I definitely like balance, but D2 isn't trying the MW2 route, where everything is OP at something, albeit some weapons have more desirable combinations than others. I don't really have anything that I'd explicitly Nerf in D2 right now, albeit the 450 autos are only as good as they are because of map size, or so I theorize.

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  • Bearbeitet von kellygreen45: 2/26/2018 3:17:30 PM
    When there is either NO effective counter to it....or a very, very restricted and unreasonable counter. Like having top 5% or higher twitch speed.....or trying to counter something that your opponent has free access to, with your super or other abilities you only get rarely in-game. Titan-skating/Juggernaut/Shotty as an OP Troll build in D1. Sunbreaker 1.0 was also stupidly OP. When Cauterize had no cooldown, they were practically unkillable in their super. Unless they were getting team shot by 4 primary weapons....or two people with heavy ammo and LMGs. Things can be out of balance, but still not OP. Right now, swords are out of balance. But they are not OP. They are out of balance because (once again) so many of the game's OTHER weapons are UNDERPOWERED....and our abilities have been nerfed so severely....that its almost impossible to kill someone rushing you with a sword. Once they are inside the reach of your primary and energy weapons.

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  • "It's Oh-pee cuz I keep dying to it bungo polez nurph" - Every forum whiner in #balance ever

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  • Bearbeitet von blade329: 2/21/2018 6:25:02 PM
    Depends who you ask. For the Crucible Snowflakes, OP means anything that kills them more than a few times in a match. They will assume that it can't possibly be them, their style of play, bad luck, or the fact that you just aren't going to win every match/engagement. So, they pick on the gear. Bungie loses its spine and gives in and nerfs something into the ground. The next gun moves up and the Snowflakes go after that one. Rinse and repeat the same cycle. Bungie needs to wake up and realize that catering to this group of players is a recipe for disaster. They are never going to be happy no matter what you nerf. They are never going to figure out that some gear/abilities will always stand out in a loot based game.

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    17 Antworten
    • It's OP if a streamer gets killed by it... That's why the game is in the state it's in, Bungo listening to streamers :/

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    • Your describing something meta! and?

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    • OverPowered: PVP - unbalance, the average low-skilled player can pawn high-skilled players regardless of skill difference. (per example: one hit wonder weapons.) PVE - unbalance causing something to be unchallenging. (per example: a setup which allows you to deal 1/3 of total HP damage to an endboss in one shot)

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    • Something OP means there is no counterplay to it and no way to win a duel with someone who has said weapon. Like the Vex Mytho back in the day. Some people out here don’t know the difference between Overpowered and Overused.

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    • Fighting lion is OP

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    • Anything is OP when it kills someone more than once per game of Crucible. Don’t forget, every child is special. At least that’s what their mommy says.

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      • when someone got killed by that weapons in PvP and start to rant in a forums

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      • One does not simply call a gun OP.

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      • My $0.02: Something is OP when, and only when, it is able to consistently perform outside its intended role and/or interferes with established game mechanics. The two examples that come to mind for D2 are Omolon 450 Autos and the Nightstalker Invis issue. Omolon Autos are OP by the above definition in that they consistently perform outside their intended role. Autos are, by design, intended for CQ combat, and their high RoF is offset by limited range and increased recoil if the trigger is held down...but Omolon Autos are not effectively affected by either, thus allowing them to do more damage than intended at impractical range, and allowing them to stay dead-on target longer than any other weapon. In the case of Uriel's Gift, HCR interferes with the ability of an opponent to acquire a target to even fight back, even if it's a Scout player at mid-long range - I have a hard time believing any Auto was designed specifically with the intent of being able to wear down a ranged player with body-shots while disallowing them from effectively returning fire. Nightstalker Invis is presently OP by the above definition in that it directly negates a necessary game mechanic in PvP. Whether it's noticed or not (for me, it definitely is), PvP combat relies heavily on Aim Assist to acquire targets and correctly register hits - if you pay close attention, you can actually feel/see the reticle "snap" to enemies once the reticle gets close to them ADS (and resists pulling away), and the right thumbstick gains slightly finer control to allow precise aiming and consistent target acquisition. In the absence of a valid target, weapon handling becomes much "sloppier/looser," and landing shots (both initial and follow-up) becomes significantly more difficult. Since Nightstalker Invis negates Aim Assist and the game treats them as a non-target, it breaks the normal rules of engagement and allows Nightstalkers to approach and specifically use CQ weapons (especially Shotguns and Swords) or melees without an effective counter.

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        6 Antworten
        • The only thing that has been legit OP in Destiny 2 is when Prometheus Lens was first introduced. That, my friends, is what OP is. Not Omolon auto rifles or Nightstalker invis, like really guys? Shit that legit breaks the game is OP. Year 1 suros regime and vex mythoclast is another great example. Time to stop worrying about what is OP and stop trying to make an already dying game, die quicker with crying nerf OP posts.

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          • To me 2 things. When it has a low learning curve(too easy to use) and it does insane amount of damage. Examples are the vanilla vex myth and 2 tap thorn.

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            • It's officially "OP" when a snowflake gets melted.

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              • It is OP when all other things are equal but it wins every time

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              • Invis is op cause they got no counter and jemini buffed nightstalkers even more so 3 invis nightstalkers on a team is probably the most OP I have never seen 3 warlock or 3 titans having trouble 3 rifts or 3 barricades is 10x easier to deal with cause, well my f%*king guns register when I aim at them unlike invis which breaks AA which I is pretty high in this game

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                3 Antworten
                • One: A lack of intelligence Two: A dedicated player of pvp that doesn’t give a shit what anyone thinks Three: A moron that works for Bungie & Activison that only listens to such idiots So in conclusion get good instead of complaining jerks😁

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                  • [quote]Is something OP when the only counter to it is high skill level play?[/quote] I think this is close. I think it's a lack of effective counters to a weapon or skill that creates disparity. But this also assumes relatively equal skill level.

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                  • Bearbeitet von piratepatchy243: 2/20/2018 11:34:31 AM
                    Some of those can have some weight to them, I just can't see it in D2 because everything is already a downgrade well at least imo.

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                  • When it outperforms in almost every situation its thrown in. Then there is just BS, and BS is something that is cheap to use.

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                    • An easy button basically.... gjallahorn

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